Fiji’s vaccination effort world-class: Feakes


Fiji has been recognised as one of the few, if not the only country to have reached a commendable feat in its vaccination rate.

Australian High Commissioner to Fiji, John Feakes has labelled the vaccination rate a world-class effort that deserves to be acknowledged.

“If you look around the world there aren’t many countries if any that have reached Fiji’s level of vaccination.”

Feakes said this speaks volumes of the leadership and collaboration of all government agencies.

He said Fiji is now truly on the path to seeing the end of the restrictions imposed to contain COVID-19.

Minister for Health, Doctor Ifereimi Waqainabete said the Ministry is not resting on its laurel and advises that Fiji continue to practice the COVID-safe measures in place.

“We’ve made it very clear from the beginning that the public health safety measures are so important, masking, the physical distancing.”

A pat on the back is not the only gesture that the Ministry received as Australia also donated equipment and launched the Ear Disease Project to further enhance the Vuvale partnership…..SOURCE: FBC NEWS/PACNEWS