PNG National Fisheries Authority ready to implement Pacific Marine Industrial Zone


    The Papua New Guinea Government is ready to implement the giant economic Pacific Marine Industrial Zone (PMIZ) Project that ‘will transform PNG as a coastal state to a fully-fledged fishing State.

    Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources Dr Lino Tom convened a meeting in Madang recently to present to the Treasury Department and the Madang Provincial Government the fisheries potential of the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone (PMIZ) Project

    Tom said the Fisheries ministry and the NFA will look to work closely with Treasury on financing options and to fully take the opportunity for the people and country to reassert government’s emphasis to ‘Take Back Fisheries’ and contribute to a collective action from across all sectors to ‘Take Back PNG,’ in collaboration with all stakeholders concerned.

    “PMIZ will contribute to developing a vibrant, broad base, and value- adding fisheries sector that will be globally competitive and domestically inclusive, providing revenue for the Government, wealth creation and food security for the people.

    “This is a national project of paramount importance that will create jobs and growing our economy, this is regional project that positions us as a competitive regional hub and global leader in the tuna economy,” said Tom.

    “The project has been challenged, delayed and unresolved for over 15 years.

    “The recent NEC decision to have the PMIZ sit under the ambit of NFA so it can be brought back on track is well overdue but timely.

    “The project requires a whole of government approach through collective political bureaucratic will, harmonised legislative frame and policy support, effective cooperation and operational efficiency.

    It presents the opportunity now for the Marape-Basil Government to proceed with the implementation of the crucial project that was first mandated by Government in 2008.

    “Work with us to get the PMIZ back on track and finally bring this momentous vision to life,” said Tom.