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PNG Opposition announce shadow cabinet

Papua New Guinea Opposition has announced the appointment of its shadow Cabinet and minister in a press statement. The Opposition, in statement said this is important as it highlights the importance it provides in the country’s democratic functioning. Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa, while making this announcement said in accordance with keeping the Government to account, our shadow cabinet follows Parliamentary conventions...

Net gains: how Pacific Island states are securing the future of tuna – and their own

The largest tuna fishery in the world is also the most sustainable. How do the small island states of the Pacific prevent overfishing, develop their economies, and prepare for the imminent effects of climate change?  Crystal clear waters, white sands and kilometres of scattered islets, stretching as far as the eye can see; the Marshall Islands, a microstate in the...

East Asia Pacific announces hosts and dates for the 2024 pathway events

The year 2024 sees the EAP host four ICC Pathway Events across Senior Men’s, U19 Women’s, and U19 Men’s. The bumper year will see all nine Associate Members of the EAP participate in at least one event, as each team strives to take the next step in qualification to the ICC World Cup, in the respective formats. Starting in Indonesia, Bali...

Fijian Drua battle-ready for Crusaders onslaught

The Fijian Drua are aware the Crusaders will want to exact revenge for their loss in Fiji last year. The Drua stunned the defending champions when they last met at Churchill Park a year ago, with flyhalf Kemu Valetini kicking a last-gasp penalty to clinch an upset 25-24 victory. Coach Mick Byrne said his side are battle ready to expect another...

PNG, Solomon Islands in talks for help during polls

Discussions are afoot between officials from Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Solomon Islands (SI) regarding the provision of assistance by PNG police in Solomon Islands’ upcoming elections. Commissioner of Police David Manning confirmed that talks had been held with his counterpart in Solomon Islands, Mostyn Mangau, with both parties exploring how the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) and the...

Minister for Women Tabuya removed as Fiji’s ruling People’s Alliance deputy party leader

Fiji's Minister for Women Lynda Tabuya is no longer a deputy party leader for the ruling People’s Alliance party (PAP). This was confirmed by PAP’s general secretary Usaia Waqatairewa in a statement released today saying The People’s Alliance Executive Council at its meeting Monday, resolved, in the best interest of the party, that Tabuya be removed as deputy party leader...

ICJ grants Parties to the Nauru Agreement participation in Climate Change advisory proceedings

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has granted authorisation to the Parties to the Nauru Agreement Office (PNAO) to participate in advisory proceedings concerning the Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change. “The PNAO was established under the 1982 Nauru Agreement concerning Cooperation in the Management of Fisheries of Common Stocks,” stated the ICJ in a statement. According to Article...

Fiji Police charge five in Methamphetamine tampering case

Fiji's Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions has sanctioned charges against three police officers and two civilians for alleged involvement in tampering with evidence, namely methamphetamine at the Totogo Police Station in Suva. “The three police officers have all been charged with one count of Interfering with Evidence, Contrary to Section 37 of the Illicit Drugs Control Act 2004. “The...

ULMWP Interim President Benny Wenda urges Dutch Parliament to hold trade with Indonesia until UN visit to West Papua

The Interim President of ULMWP Benny Wenda has expressed his gratitude during the Dutch Parliament hearing on the UN visit to West Papua. He thanked the Netherlands Parliament, acknowledging the historical context and urging them to understand the ongoing struggle in West Papua. “First of all, I give my thanks to the Netherlands Parliament for hosting this meeting. As our former...

Study finds Pacific accounts for nine of the 10 most obese countries in the world

New analysis published in the Lancet has found that Pacific island countries account for nine out of 10 of the top countries in the world with the highest prevalence of obesity among women and men aged 20 and above. Looking at data from 2022, the study found that more than 1 billion people in the world are now living with...

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