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Deepening the Partnership between the Pacific Islands and the IMF

Op-ed by Bo Li and Marshall Mills Pacific Island countries are renowned the world over for their unique geography, populations, cultures, and way of life. This uniqueness presents myriad opportunities to boost growth and wellbeing. It also exposes these countries to distinctive challenges. For the past three decades, the IMF has been engaged in the Pacific Islands region on...

Bring vote of no confidence motion in May: PNG PM Marape

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape says the Opposition is more than welcome to attempt a vote of no confidence (VONC) against him when Parliament resumes in May. Parliament rose Thursday and adjourned to May, acting speaker Koni Iguan said the motion of no confidence against Marape did not qualify to be listed on the notice paper. Marape denied that...

Pacific Ocean Commissioner urges collective action for Ocean Conservation

Pacific Ocean Commissioner, Dr Filimon Manoni has highlighted the significance of the OACPS as a vital partner for Pacific countries, stressing the importance of effective implementation of the Samoa Agreement. He emphasised the critical global issues facing the Pacific region: climate change and the ocean. “The Samoa Agreement and the Pacific Protocol underscore common interests and priorities with our region, particularly...

Pacific ACP prepares for WTO Ministerial Conference amid global uncertainty

Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General, Henry Puna has highlighted the Pacific's important role in the success of the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) in Geneva in 2022, in his address to the Pacific ACP WTO Trade Minister Meeting this week. He acknowledged the delivery of the Geneva package, including the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies, and commended the efforts of the ministers,...

PNG vote of no confidence not entertained

The Papua New Guinea Parliamentary Private Business Committee (PBC) has denied the notice of the motion of the Vote-of-No-Confidence (VONC). In advising Parliament, Acting Speaker Koni Iguan said, “The PBC deliberated on the motion Wednesday at 12:30pm at the Speaker’s lounge after the notice was given by the 14 February.” “The committee is of the view that this motion will not...

Vanuatu referendum seeks to instill stability after revolving-door governments

An upcoming referendum in Vanuatu to outlaw political-party hopping by legislators has sparked lively debate in the Pacific island country, which has faced three changes of government in the past year. Dissatisfaction with political instability and a fast-rising cost of living is widespread in the archipelago nation of more than 300,000 people. But there are also concerns that outlawing changes...

Tuvalu’s new PM moves closer to being elected as Taiwan, China watch on

Tuvaluan members of parliament are likely to elect a new prime minister on Friday (23 Feb) according to a senior electoral official, and a frontrunner has reportedly emerged. Senior electoral officer Semi Malaki told the ABC that a vote is likely to occur by Friday or shortly after, as bad weather that prevented elected members of parliament from traveling to...

PM Rabuka clarifies Fiji’s position on Israel

Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has clarified Fiji’s position on the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution titled: “Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. Rabuka said Fiji’s intended presentation at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague specifically responds to the December 2022 United Nations General...

Fiji, Samoa and Tonga all options for future NSW Cup NRL

The NSW Rugby League has set their sights on fielding teams from Fiji, Samoa and Tonga in their main competition as part of the game's push into the Pacific. The code's Pacific expansion remains a key talking point with Papua New Guinea firming to enter the NRL from as early as 2026 or 2027. Fiji will take another step towards following...

Vancouver ready to welcome the stars of HSBC SVNS

The best 12 men’s and women’s rugby sevens teams in the world have arrived in Vancouver, Canada for the highly anticipated fourth round of HSBC SVNS 2024. Some of the world’s fittest and fastest Olympic athletes will battle it out over three days of intense, non-stop rugby sevens action in front of a famously noisy and vibrant crowd under the...

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