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Sinalei preps up to host King Charles in Samoa

The Sinalei Resort in Siumu is continuing preparations to host the head of the Commonwealth and British Monarch King Charles III. He will be part of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in October. Security checks at the hotel are still ongoing, Samoa Observer can reveal. There were speculations about the arrival of the King following an official statement from...

OPINION: Small Island Developing States need finance to tackle climate crisis

By Patricia Scotland, Secretary General of the Commonwealth In the last few weeks, sadly more than 100 people have died from oppressive heat in India. In Africa, while some countries are experiencing torrential rains, others are suffering from terrible droughts. At the recent Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting in Geneva, collectively we considered how climate change is increasing the incidence of vector-borne diseases...

Fijiana secure historic victory over Japan, focused on next challenge

In a turnaround performance from last week, the Fijiana XV redeemed themselves with a convincing 24-15 victory over Japan at Churchill Park last night. The win is also their first ever against Japan in history. The Fijiana squad exhibited a stark improvement in their performance, showcasing a more clinical and also matching the Sakura XV. From the onset, Fiji displayed their intent...

NRL wants me to stay out of PNG discussions: Olam

Justin Olam feels rugby league powerbrokers have not consulted him about the Papua New Guinea expansion bid for fear he will warn against fast-tracking the team's entry into the NRL. The premiership-winning PNG international says he is in favour of establishing a first-grade team in his homeland, but only after "a couple of years" investing in a proper pathways system. “No...

‘We cannot have peace without independence’ – New Caledonia government

As New Caledonia passes the one-month mark since violent and deadly clashes erupted on 13 May, there has been no clear path put forward by Paris as far as the Kanak Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS) is concerned. On Wednesday, eight people, including the leader of the Field Action Coordinating Cell (CCAT) Christian Téin, were arrested by New Caledonia's security...

Australia to process PNG visa within seven days

Australia will process travel visa applications from Papua New Guinea citizens within seven days, says Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong. “We are welcoming Papua New Guineans and friends to Australian shores,” she said. “It is important to expand opportunities for Papua New Guineans to enter the Australian labour market including increasing training and skilled labour under the Pacific engagement visa.” In 2023,...

Supreme Court stays NEC decision on appointments of PNG Defence Force hierarchy

The Papua New Guinea Supreme Court has stayed a decision by the National Executive Council(NEC) of 24th May 2024 in appointing Commodore Philip Polewara to the rank of Rear Admiral and Colonel Opa Lari as Brigadier General. These includes the revocation of the appointment of Mark Goina as Commander and Chief of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force and discharging...

Call to release Fiji’s 2000 coup leader George Speight

Former Fiji journalist Josefa Nata says 2000 coup leader George Speight has served enough time in prison and should be released. Nata was convicted of instigating the 2000 mutiny and granted a presidential pardon by President, Ratu Wiliame Katonivere in December 2023. Speaking to the Fiji Times newspaper’s online platform, The Lens@177 in Suva, he said Speight, who has been serving...

PM Brown expresses optimism for Cook Islands’ 2032 FestPAC bid

Cook Islands government is keeping its fingers crossed as it awaits the decision of the Pacific Arts Council regarding the host of the 2032 Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture. Prime Minister Mark Brown is confident that Cook Islands’ bid to host the 2032 FestPAC will be the one considered. Cook Islands is one of the four countries bidding to host...

Tiny Niue leads Ocean Conservation: New National Geographic documentary

In the vast expanse of the South Pacific, the tiny island nation of Niue, with a population just under 2,000, is making monumental strides in ocean conservation. Despite its small size, Niue's ambitious marine protection initiatives are garnering worldwide attention. National Geographic’s newly released documentary, “Protecting Paradise: The Story of Niue,” captures the island's pioneering efforts, coinciding with Ocean Month in...

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Major pay increase for Fiji civil servants, Minimum wage rate to increase to $5...

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Indonesia accused of subverting Pacific push for UN rights mission to West Papua

An unheralded visit to Indonesia’s Papuan provinces by a leading Pacific diplomat has drawn criticism for undermining a push for a United Nations human...

Fiji Fisheries Minister Ravu granted bail

Fiji’s Magistrates Court in Sigatoka Thursday granted bail to Minister for Fisheries and Forests Kalaveti Ravu who is charged with one count of Abuse...