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No Vote of No Confidence today, new motion to be submitted to PNG Parliament

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape is cautiously confident he has the numbers to beat the Vote of No Confidence and remain in power. At last count Monday, Marape had 49 MPs on Loloata with him while challenger Rainbo Paita had the support of 39 MPs at the Sanctuary Hotel in North Waigani. However, today is a normal sorting out...

FLNKS bilateral meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron

At a time when Kanaky New Caledonia is reconnecting with the dark days of the 1980s, those of the “Events”, the FLNKS was astonished to learn of the hasty arrival of the President of the French Republic French Republic accompanied by the two ministers whom the people hold responsible for the failure of the outcome of the Nouméa Accord,...

Round Two of Oceania Rugby Women’s Championships set to continue

The Oceania Rugby Women's Championships are set to continue this week with the Papua New Guinea Cassowaries joining the national squads of Samoa, Fiji, and Tonga for the second round of matches. All four national teams are now on ground in Brisbane preparing for what will be an exciting continuation for the 2024 Championships. The second match scheduled for Round 1...

‘All hands on deck’ in Antigua and Barbuda as small island States chart course to resilient prosperity

Leaders from small island developing States worldwide will converge on the shores of Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean this weekend to deliver a bold new plan of action to build resilience on the road to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) will bring together governments, the UN, civil society,...

4th Pacific Ocean Pacific Climate Change Conference a catalyst for action, Solomon Islands to host in 2026

The 4th Pacific Ocean Pacific Climate Change Conference (POPCCC) has closed with a renewed commitment from delegates to step up local, regional and global action to counter climate change, to ensure future custodians of our lands and oceans are endowed with a healthy planet that allows them to thrive and prosper. The meeting also agreed for the 5th iteration of...

Pacific experts: Philippines must lead a united front to confront China over South China Sea

The Philippines can push back against China’s bullying behaviour by aligning itself with affected countries in Asia, according to Pacific security observers. But as the intensifying conflict between China and the Philippines over their competing territorial claims in the South China Sea— alternately referred to as the West Philippine Sea— portends dangerous times for the region and giving the diplomatic...

Allow motion to proceed, Government urged not to block vote of no confidence: Former PNG PM O’Neill

Former Papua New Guinea Prime minister Peter O’Neill says the planned motion of no confidence against his successor James Marape should be allowed to proceed next week as required in the Constitution. “There is nothing to be fearful of. Let the motion proceed,” O’Neill said in a statement. “The Constitution supports a proper vote when our country has no faith in...

Tonga PM calls for transformative financing to counter climate change at 4th POPCCC

Transformative Climate Finance investment that help Pacific countries implement measures to counter the adverse impacts of climate change should be scalable, contextual, flexible, predictable, innovative and demand-driven. The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Tonga, Hu’akavameiliku Siaosi Sovaleni, made the call when he addressed delegates at the fourth Pacific Ocean Pacific Climate Change Conference (POPCCC) at the National University of...

France’s Macron delays New Caledonia voting reform after protests

French President Emmanuel Macron says he will delay a voting reform in New Caledonia that the Indigenous Kanak people on the French-ruled Pacific islands say would dilute their votes and undermine their struggle for independence. Speaking on Thursday in New Caledonia’s capital, Noumea, after meeting local political leaders, Macron said his ultimate aim still was to sign the measure into...

Russia urges France to avoid violence in New Caledonia

Russia on Thursday urged French authorities to refrain from unjustified use of violence against protesters in New Caledonia. “We call on Paris to ensure respect for the rights and freedoms of the indigenous population of New Caledonia and other overseas territories under its control, and to meet all the high demands that Paris makes to other countries, which, by the...

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