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Fijian Drua women continue to build momentum with Brumbies win in Super Rugby W

The Fijian Drua have continued to build their Super Rugby Women title defence, grinding out a 20-7 win against the ACT Brumbies. Winning for a second straight week, the two-time reigning champions looked clunky in attack early but clicked into gear to win well at GIO Stadium. It wasn't all doom and gloom for the Brumbies after a gritty defensive display...

Cook Island needs referendum to decide UN membership – Foreign minister

Cook Islands Minister of Foreign Affairs Tingika Elikana says a referendum would allow its people to decide whether to join the United Nations and separate from New Zealand. The Cook Islands government has applied for membership with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a first step on the road to becoming a member of the UN. While the country has maintained diplomatic...

FSM’s hedging strategy aims at keeping peace in Pacific region

Torn between two superpowers, the Federated States of Micronesia(FSM) cautiously navigates a complex diplomatic arena with a hedging approach. Washington calculates its treads as well. The FSM is the only freely associated state with diplomatic relations with China. “We really like our relationship with both countries because it gives us the opportunity to be a peacekeeper in the region,” FSM President Wesley...

China ‘not an enemy,’ but supports ‘rule of law’ in South China sea: PNG Foreign Minister

Papua New Guinea said it does not see China as “an enemy,” but is supporting the Philippines in advocacy for the international community to follow the “rule of law” in the West Philippine Sea. PNG Foreign Minister Justin Tkatchenko is in Manila and held bilateral talks with his Philippine counterpart Enrique Manalo Thursday. “For what is happening in your country, the...

Tonga’s prime minister says he’s open to Chinese help with security support at an upcoming summit

Tonga’s prime minister said on Thursday he is open to Beijing’s offer of security support when the South Pacific kingdom hosts a major regional leaders’ summit, raising concerns in the United States as it strives to counter China’s growing influence. Prime Minister Siaosi Sovaleni said there was nothing to fear from China’s offer to help Tonga host leaders of the...

Call for new ‘foreign’ battalion to fix Australian defence recruiting crisis

The Australian Defence Force(ADF) should consider establishing a Pacific battalion with rotating Australian and Pacific troops to help boost regional ties and address the military’s staffing crisis, a new report has argued. The government is also being urged to consider allowing the direct recruitment of Pacific Islanders into the ADF, overturning the long-standing principle that Australian citizenship is required to...

Rapa Nui Pacific Leaders Summit convene for Ocean protection action against microplastic pollution

Fiji's Minister for Housing and Local Government, Maciu Katamotu Nalumisa is leading the country delegation at the Rapa Nui Pacific Leaders Summit in Easter Island, Chile on behalf of the Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka. The theme for the Summit is; “Ocean Protection and Fight Against Plastic and Microplastic Pollution”. The three-day Summit provides a platform for Pacific Leaders with various backgrounds...

MSG governing body approves secretariat’s 2024 work programme and budget

The Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Secretariat’s 2024 Work Programme and Budget was endorsed by the MSG Foreign Ministers Meeting (FMM) following the conclusion of the Governing Body meetings in Port Vila, Vanuatu last week. The 2024 Budget represented a surplus budget. The FMM sat to deliberate on recommendations put forward to it by the preceding Budget Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) which...

No PACER Plus: PNG Trade Minister Maru

Papua New Guinea will maintain its position of last 10 years not to be part of PACER Plus, says the Minister for International Trade and Investment, Richard Maru. He made this statement in his first meeting with the new Australian High Commissioner to PNG, John Feakes. Maru said: “I want to make it very clear to the Australian government that PNG...

Fijian Drua expecting physical Rebels side

The Fijian Drua are expecting a physical battle when they take on the Melbourne Rebels in round seven of the Shop N Save Super Rugby Pacific tonight. The Drua are aware of the strong style of play from their opponents and have trained around that area. Coach Mick Byrne said they they are not expecting anything less from the Rebels and...

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Fiji PM confirms resignation of Fisheries Minister Ravu, appoints Alitia Bainivalu as successor

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Coalition Government settles Fiji’s longest workers dispute with $9.2 million pay-out

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