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Statement by Forum Secretary General Henry Puna on the latest killings and escalating election violence in PNG

It is with deep sadness and concern that I condemn the recent deaths and escalating violence in Papua New Guinea, including in Porgera and Port Moresby, over the course of the 2022 National Election. My heart goes out to the grieving families in one of our largest Pacific nations. It is a stark reminder of the fundamental responsibility our Leaders hold...

PNG Governor General concerned about violence, delay in counting

Papua New Guinea Governor General Sir Bob Dadae has advised Electoral Commissioner Simon Sinai that any changes in the election –– including the extension of counting –– must be done within the confines of the Constitution. Sir Bob, who was concerned about the election -related violence and ballot hijacking in certain parts of the country and the slow pace of...

New Caledonian separatists sign MoU with West Papua counterpart

New Caledonia's pro-independence FLNKS movement has signed a memorandum of understanding with the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), which wants independence from Indonesia. The deal was signed by Roch Wamytan, the President of New Caledonia's Congress, and the visiting ULMWP leader Benny Wenda. Wamytan told La Premiere both territories are involved in a process of decolonisation and emancipation -...

Samoa Ocean Strategy video calls for global response to avert worst climate scenarios

Samoa might be a small country in the eyes of the world but when it comes to matters of the Ocean, it is a large ocean state. As such, Samoa is home to exceptional habitats such as seamounts, coral reefs, mangroves, and oceanic basins, which contribute significantly to the economy and the identity of Samoan people. That is the message...

Sherman and Kennedy to visit Solomons, where fathers fought and U.S. now vies with China

U.S Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman and U.S ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy plan next month to visit the Solomon Islands, where their fathers fought in World War Two and the United States is now in a modern-day battle for influence with strategic rival China. Sherman and her delegation will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Guadalcanal...

Armed supporters cause chaos in PNG capital

Running in a group like a pack of animals, they were armed with bush knives, iron bars and other weapons as they chased down two men outside the counting centre at the Sir John Guise Stadium, Waigani, in Port Moresby Sunday afternoon. They reached the first man, and without a second thought they slashed him. Then they reached the second man,...

We are not rigging elections: Pangu leader Marape

Pangu party is not rigging the Papua New Guinea elections says party leader James Marape. He said if Pangu had rigged the elections, it would have made a clean sweep of all 118 seats, including Maprik Open in East Sepik, which party strongman, John Simon has lost. “People have been falsely claiming that Pangu is rigging the elections, that there are...

New Zealand Chief of Army visits Fiji

The New Zealand Chief of Army, Major General John Boswell is visiting Fiji on Wednesday 27 July. The Officer Cadet School of New Zealand is currently undertaking Exercise Veiliutaki in the Republic of Fiji, which is designed to test students in command, leadership and battle craft in a jungle environment. On Wednesday there will be a sports day with contests between...

After eight rounds of voting, Vanuatu elects new president

Nikenike Vurobaravu has been voted the 12th President of Vanuatu. It took eight rounds of voting by the 58-member Electoral College before he secured the required minimum number of 38 on Saturday. In the end he got a resounding 47 votes, after the Prime Minister Bob Loughman brokered a deal with the nine MPs of the coalition party led by former...

‘In the spotlight’: Climate boss warns Australia needs to lift its climate ambitions

Alok Sharma, the man entrusted to accelerate global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, has warned Australia must be prepared to lift its own ambitions if it wants to host a United Nations climate summit in two years’ time. The British cabinet minister, who won plaudits for his chairing of the fractious COP26 summit in Glasgow in November, said while...

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