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Fiji navigates media challenges and calls for greater investment in the Pacific region

The Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) Media Summit 2024 officially began Tuesday in Niue with Fiji’s media landscape front and centre, as stakeholders discussed the evolving challenges and potential solutions to secure the future of journalism in the Pacific. Speaking as a panellist in Plenary Session 1 on Navigating Media Resilience Fijian Media Association (FMA) General Secretary and Mai TV...

Pacific journalists tackle integrity to boost media freedom & corruption reporting

Members of the Pacific Anti-Corruption Journalists Network (PACJN) have renewed their call for greater Right to Information in the region to strengthen anti-corruption reporting. At a Dialogue on Media Freedom through Integrity – Codes of Conduct & Reporting Corruption as part of this week’s Pacific Media Conference being held in Niue, regional journalists took stock of the need for enhanced...

NASA analysis shows irreversible Sea level rise for Pacific Islands

Climate change is rapidly reshaping a region of the world that’s home to millions of people. In the next 30 years, Pacific Island nations such as Tuvalu, Kiribati, and Fiji will experience at least 8 inches (15 centimeters) of sea level rise, according to an analysis by NASA’s sea level change science team. This amount of rise will occur regardless...

Samoa to be home to weightlifting institute

It is a dream come true for the Samoa Weightlifting Federation after they were given the green light to build the Oceania Weightlifting Institute in Samoa this year. President Tuaopepe Jerry Wallwork made the announcement during a press conference at the Ministry of Sports and Recreation, Tuanaimato. "We are happy to announce that Samoa will be the home of the Oceania...

Climate Change is a public health crisis: WHO’s Dr Piukala

The World Health Organisation (WHO) regional director for the Western Pacific, Dr Saia Ma’u Piukala, pulled no punches at the “Our Changing World” session, urging global leaders to confront climate change as a pressing public health emergency during the sidelines of the 79th United Nations General Assembly(UNGA). He highlighted the dire health impacts of climate change and called for urgent,...

Pacific delegates discuss region’s media industry

The 7th PINA Media Summit officially began today in Niue where delegates from across the Pacific have gathered to discuss issues affecting the region’s media industry. Opening the discussions, Niue Prime Minister Dalton Tagelagi said they were deeply honored to host members of the Pacific media. “We are honored to offer a platform for a robust and topical discussions on the...

Nauru’s President Adeang calls for urgent action on Climate, Ocean mining, and UN reform at UNGA

Nauru’s President, David Adeang delivered a powerful call for global action at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, highlighting the pressing challenges faced by his small island nation. He called for greater international cooperation on climate change, ocean resource management, and UN reform, while also addressing the global financial system's impact on small developing nations. As...

U.S President met with leaders from Freely Associated States in the Pacific

U. S President Joe Biden met with the leaders of Palau, Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands Tuesday in New York, marking the renewal of the Compacts of Free Association (COFA) for another 20 years. The agreements, which solidify the United States' unique ties to the Freely Associated States (FAS), were praised by Biden as critical to regional security and cooperation. The...

Sinking Tuvalu fights to keep maritime boundaries as sea levels rise

Tuvalu and its 11,000 people, who live on nine atolls scattered across the Pacific, are running out of time. Fukanoe Laafai would like to start a family. But she is struggling to reconcile her plans with rising sea levels that scientists predict will submerge much of her homeland by the time her children would reach early adulthood. “I think we are...

Pacific media gather for biennial summit

Around 80 media delegates from more than 10 Pacific Island countries, including Fiji, have gathered in Niue for the 7th Pacific Media Summit 2024. The summit, themed “Charting a Resilient Future: Pacific Media Navigating Press Freedoms, AI & Geopolitical Interests,” was officially opened by Niue Prime Minister Dalton Tagelagi last night. Tagelagi said that Niue was chosen as the host country...

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