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Pacific Islands Forum targeted in ‘Cyber incident’: NZ Foreign Ministry

The Pacific Islands Forum has been targeted in a “malicious” hack, a spokesman for New Zealand's foreign minister said Thursday, revealing an attack that hit the bloc in the runup to a recent regional summit. A rapid response team of Australian specialists was despatched to the Forum's headquarters in Fiji after the hack was detected earlier this year, the spokesman...

Tough new rules for prospective MPs in Nauru

Nauru's aspiring electoral candidates have just two weeks left to apply to contest next year's national elections. The Nauru parliament introduced "significant changes to the electoral system" late last month. In public notice on 29 August, the Nauru Electoral Commission (NEC) said the amendments to the 2016 Electoral Act means those who want to enter parliament must declare their intentions to...

WBA reviewing Kauyaca v Parker fight footage

World Boxing Assocaition (WBA) Oceania president Ferlin Marsh has confirmed they are reviewing video footage of the fight between New Zealand' John Parker and Fiji's Alivereti Kauyaca in Hamilton last week. Responding to RNZ Pacific via email, Marsh said he has sought the assistance of four international boxing judges in reviewing the footage and giving their opinions in response to...

PNG PM Marape survives Vote of No confidence motion

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape has survived the Vote of No confidence against his leadership 75 to 32. Government numbers supported maintaining PM Marape with the Opposition unable to gain favour to have its Alternate PM Rainbo Paita lead. The speaker of Parliament Job Pomat allowed the motion of the notice of no confidence against the Prime Minister to...

Australia sends expert teams to Fiji as Chinese state-backed hackers attack Pacific Islands Forum

The Australian government sent expert teams to Fiji this year to help the Pacific's top regional body after its networks were infiltrated by Chinese state-backed hackers, the ABC has learned. The cyber attack on the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Secretariat, which is based in Suva, was first detected in February this year, although the hackers likely gained access well before...

It’s a big deal if Australia and the Pacific are chosen to host UN climate talks. Here’s why

By Wesley Morgan It’s now very likely Australia will be announced as the host of the COP31 global climate talks in 2026 alongside Pacific nations. This would be a very big deal. The talks run for a fortnight and draw tens of thousands of delegates. It would be the largest diplomatic summit Australia has ever held, with satellite events in...

Journalists Association of Samoa President criticises strict CHOGM media guidelines

The President of the Journalists Association of Samoa (JAWS), Lagi Keresoma, has expressed disappointment over the stringent media guidelines announced by the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) Media Committee at Wednesday media briefing, raising significant concerns about transparency within the local media community. “It is very disappointing for a Government that claims to believe in democracy, transparency, and accountability...

Summit of the Future aims to make the UN more effective

Negotiations continue ahead of the Summit of the Future at UN Headquarters this month, where world leaders will enhance cooperation to tackle critical challenges facing the international community and address gaps in global governance. Among the issues under discussion are accelerating sustainable development and reforming decades-old institutions, including the UN Security Council and the international financial system. On Wednesday the Under...

Tuvaluans prepare for life in Australia as rising tides swallow their country

Kuata Taumaheke has her hopes set on a new beginning in Australia. She's lived her entire life in the atoll nation of Tuvalu, and grew up on its most remote island, Nanumea — only 4 square kilometres in size. But rising sea levels now grip her home island. And surging tides, coming further inland in Tuvalu, have added urgency to her attempts...

Enabling Niue to access climate finance

Accessing climate finance to help build a resilient Niue is at the core of ongoing work by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) through the Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC). Building capacity to help achieve successful climate change project implementation is at the core of a three-day introductory training now underway. Working with participants from a wide range...

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Pacific Island nations vote against UN resolution on Israel’s occupation

Seven Pacific Island nations - Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, and Tuvalu were among the 14 countries...

NZ votes for Middle East resolution at UN

New Zealand has voted for a United Nations resolution on Israel’s presence in occupied Palestinian Territory with some caveats, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says. “New...

Niue champions community of practise to strengthen Pacific countries’ access to climate finance

Niue is taking the lead to build a community of practice for National Designated Authorities (NDAs) from Pacific countries to share, learn from each...