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Opposition parties CARE and Solomon Islands United Party signs coalition pact

A Coalition Agreement was signed by leaders of four political parties on Saturday to form the next government in Solomon Islands. The four political parties consist of the three parties that make up the Coalition for Accountability Reform and Empowerment (CARE) and Solomon Islands United Party (SIUP). The agreement was signed by the SIUP wing leader Peter Kenilorea, SIDP wing leader...

Key milestone for Australia’s new Pacific Engagement Visa programme

Pacific Island and Timor-Leste nationals will be able to register for Australia's new Pacific Engagement Visa (PEV) programme from 03 June 2024, providing new opportunities for Pacific and Timorese nationals to live, work and study in Australia. The programme will enable up to 3,000 citizens of Pacific Island countries and Timor-Leste to migrate to Australia as permanent residents each year. This...

Call on the plastic treaty to include legally binding obligations and implementing mechanisms to address legacy plastics

The plastics treaty needs to include legally binding obligations that cover the full lifecycle of plastics including addressing legacy plastic already in the marine environment. The point was raised by Samoa, as the Chair of AOSIS, during contact group discussions on the revised zero draft of the plastics treaty on Day 4 of the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating...

The Pacific region sees abnormal impacts of El Niño and a return to neutral conditions

The Pacific Islands Climate Outlook Forum (PICOF) provides a platform for the review of recent climate, while also looking ahead, detailing information on likely temperature, rainfall and oceanic conditions for the upcoming three to six months in the Pacific region. The exchange and use of climate information developed during the fourteenth session of the PICOF can be used by National...

UNDP Pacific-Pacific Islands Forum Sign Memorandum of Understanding

The UN Development Programme (UNDP) Pacific Office in Fiji and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen collaboration between the two parties. Grounded in key regional blueprints – UNDP Pacific’s Multi-Country Programme Document 2023-2027, the Forum Secretariat’s 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, and its Implementation Plan (2023-2030) – the agreement...

NSW Waratahs complete perfect season with commanding win over Fijian Drua

The NSW Waratahs have claimed their fifth Super Rugby Women's title with a 50-14 win over the Fijian Drua at Ballymore. Winger Desiree Miller finished the game with a hat-trick as they built an early lead in the first half. The defending champion Drua kept themselves in the game with tries on either side of the break before the class of...

Missed opportunities and ill discipline hurts Drua

Fijian Drua women’s coach Moses Rauluni believes missed opportunities and indiscipline cost them the Super Rugby Women’s final in Ballymore Stadium in Brisbane. Three yellow cards and a red card for the Drua paved the way for New South Wales Waratahs to claim their fifth title with a 50-14 win. The Waratahs scored three tries in seven minutes in the second...

Fijian Drua rebound with tense win over Moana Pasifika

The Fijian Drua have hung on for a 24-17 win over Moana Pasifika in Lautoka. It was a pair of returning stars for Mick Byrne’s side that proved the difference and Taniela Rakuro and Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula secured their place in the top eight. Rakuro opened the scoring in the first 90 seconds of the game after backing up a break from...

China steps up efforts to win Palau but President Whipps says he won’t cave in

Beijing has been dangling lures in a bid to convince Palau to sever ties with Taiwan and switch to China, President Surangel Whipps Jr said. “That's a constant,” the Palau president said. “The messaging that comes to us is very clear: ‘We have the largest economy or soon to be the largest economy in the world. The sky is the...

Solomon Islands election yields no majority for pro-China party

Neither advocates nor opponents of a security pact with Beijing won a majority in the Solomon Islands' parliamentary elections, results announced Wednesday for the last of the legislature's 50 seats show. With Australia, the U.S and China looking on, last week's election was the first since incumbent Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare switched diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China in 2019...

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International concern over Tonga’s debate on death penalty for drug offences

Several international human rights organisations have expressed grave concern over recent discussions in Tonga's Parliament suggesting the extension of the death penalty to drug-related...

Fiji’s political landscape unpredictable: Herr

The political landscape in Fiji is facing a perfect storm, with the governing coalition and the opposition party plagued by internal divisions. This has been...

AOSIS lead negotiator Rasmussen urges swift action and robust financing to address Climate threats

AOSIS Climate lead negotiator, Anne Rasmussen of Samoa, emphasised the coalition's vulnerability to climate change at the Sixtieth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB60)...