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Journey to Ottawa: Pacific countries ready to negotiate revised draft text of plastics treaty

To say waste generation - including plastic pollution is a global problem - would be stating things quite mildly. The statistics are in fact staggering, and even more concerning especially for Pacific countries who despite contributing less than 1.3 percent to global plastic pollution, are disproportionately affected by the plastic pollution crisis, threatening livelihoods, health and economies. According to a new...

UN calls for more investment to protect oceans

A United Nations agency on Wednesday urged the international community to invest in scientific research to protect the world's oceans which are increasingly threatened by pollution and global warming. “We have key objectives to achieve. Much has been done for the oceans, but much remains to be done and can be done.” Audrey Azoulay, director general of the United Nation's...

Taiwan provides financial support to Tuvalu

Taiwan has handed over its financial support of USD$6 million to Tuvalu’s deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Panapasi Nelesone. The funds according to Taiwan’s Ambassador to Tuvalu Andrew Lin, are intended to assist Tuvalu for the first six months of the year. This does not include additional support provided by Taiwan for education, health, ICT, and other sectors. Nelesone expressed...

Forum SG warns Pacific not to be hindered by outsider’s geo-political games over China security offer

The Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum, Henry Puna, said China's security offering for the upcoming 53rd Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Leaders Meeting to be held in Tonga from 26 - 30 August, this year, is not an issue for the Pacific. “This issue is a lot more complicated." He said Wednesday, that reading the news carefully, we can see...

Pacific Island leaders unite for peace building

In a significant move toward promoting peace and halting conflicts, most leaders across the Pacific have agreed to sign a concept paper aimed at accelerating peace-building actions. Speaking during Radio Fiji One’s Na Noda Paraiminisita programme, Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka emphasised the urgency for Pacific Island leaders to collaborate in addressing pressing issues such as escalating freight costs and the...

NZ and U.S to undertake further practical Pacific cooperation

Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced further New Zealand cooperation with the United States in the Pacific Islands region through $16.4 million (US$10 million) in funding for initiatives in digital connectivity and oceans and fisheries research. “New Zealand can achieve more in the Pacific if we work together more urgently and intensively with partners who share our values and our...

China slams AUKUS pact as a threat to regional stability

China believes the AUKUS pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States reveals a tactical cold war mentality. The Chinese Ambassador to Fiji, Zhou Jian, highlighted this when asked about claims that these superpowers might include Japan in the AUKUS pact. Ambassador Jian said China believes the partnership will create instability and labelled it as a group vying for...

Navigating PNG parliament dynamics and regional influence

By Bethanie Harriman The Marape-Rosso Government in Papua New Guinea is determined to take "decisive action" and get to the root cause of issues surrounding the Government's payroll system, that led to the riots in the capital city, Port Moresby on 10 January this year. The recurring payroll failure that impacted the Defence Force personnel's remuneration was the main agenda of...

Solomon Islands goes to the polls. Here’s what to expect

By Anouk Ride Solomon Islanders are set to vote on 17 April in an election that has significance within and beyond the country’s borders. It is the first chance for them to vote on policy directions that the coalition led by Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has taken and may change or consolidate his power. Since Sogavare was elected by his parliamentary...

No government interference on naming of new Flying Fijians coach

There is no interference of Fiji Government on who will be named the new Flying Fijians head coach. This was confirmed by Minister for Youth and Sports Jese Saukuru following their meeting with World Rugby officials two weeks ago. One of the two World Rugby representatives included former Flying Fijians head coach and now World Rugby’s High Performance Pathways and Player...

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