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Law of the sea ruling is an ‘important milestone’ for climate and ocean action: WWF

The Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) strongly supports the new advisory opinion published by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, which for the first time at a global level defines the legal obligations of states to act on climate change to protect marine ecosystems. These obligations arise under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea,...

Micronesian Centre for Sustainable Transport calls for just and equitable revenue disbursement from IMO emission reduction measures

The Micronesian Centre for Sustainable Transport (MCST) has released a critical analysis of the International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) 2023 Revised Strategy for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships. In a working paper titled “Disbursement of Revenues Generated by IMO’s Emission Reduction Measures: Is Contributing to a Just and Equitable Transition That Leaves No State Behind an Empty...

PNG Government unshaken by vote-of-no-confidence motion: PM Marape

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape has affirmed that the Government remains steadfast and undeterred by the Opposition’s vote-of-no-confidence motion. “We had a full Cabinet today for our National Executive Council meeting and our government business for the two weeks of Parliament starting next Tuesday have been cleared,” Prime Minister Marape stated. “We are not deterred by any conversations on...

Preserving Fiji’s Iguana heritage: A conservation effort

In the heart of the Pacific Ocean, Fiji is known for its intense tropical beauty, vibrant culture and astonishing biodiversity. Among its unique inhabitants, five species of iguanas stand out, four of which are native and endemic to the islands. Yet, these significant reptiles face an uncertain future, threatened by habitat loss, invasive species, and the illegal wildlife trade. Nunia Thomas-Moko, Director...

Pacific science body welcomes global maritime ruling as a win for science and the Blue Pacific

The Pacific Community (SPC) welcomes the advisory opinion and the role that evidence-based Pacific science has played in the ruling by the International Tribunal Law of the Sea (ITLOS). The tribunal handed down a unanimous opinion that found states’ have a legal obligation to monitor and reduce their emissions on the marine environment that contribute to climate change. “The highest global...

France’s Macron makes high-stakes visit to riot-struck New Caledonia

President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday flew to France's Pacific territory of New Caledonia on a politically risky visit aiming to defuse a crisis after nine days of riots that have killed six people and injured hundreds. Macron's sudden decision to fly to the southwest Pacific archipelago, some 10,500 miles from mainland France, is a sign of the gravity with which...

$800m plan to give Australia major police oversight in Pacific

Australia is set to launch a plan worth more than $800 million (US$528 million) which will give it major oversight of policing in the Pacific region. As Fiji struggles with a meth epidemic threatening societal collapse, Australian officials are in the capital, Suva, working on the Australian Federal Police (AFP) Pacific Policing Initiative. There are three pillars to the project —...

Journalists challenge PNG government over ‘media control policy’

The Papua New Guinea government’s push for news organisations to become its cheer-leading squad is under further scrutiny this week as parliament hears testimony from journalists and top officials. The effort to wield influence over the news, first announced last year as a “media development policy”, has been watered down in the face of strong opposition. Despite the changes, the...

Fij Government adopts Open Sky Policy

With Fiji’s visitor economy poised to grow by an additional $4 billion (US$2 billion) over the next 4 years, adopting an open sky policy will only enhance Fiji’s tourism industry significantly. That is the word of deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation, Viliame Gavoka in a ministerial statement he delivered in parliament Wednesday. “While Fiji previously believed...

Small Island Developing States can be Nature-Positive Leaders for the World

By Achim Steiner, Carlos Manuel Rodriguez Small island developing states (SIDS) are scattered across the globe, dotting the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, the west and east coasts of Africa and the Indian Ocean. These low-lying highly indebted countries are on the frontlines of climate change and natural resource scarcity, already facing the extremes of sea level rise, unpredictable weather events,...

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Fiji PM confirms resignation of Fisheries Minister Ravu, appoints Alitia Bainivalu as successor

Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka confirmed Friday that Kalaveti Ravu has resigned as Minister for Fisheries and Forests. Ravu was charged by the Fiji Independent...

Artivist turns trash into treasure: A fight against plastic pollution

On the vivid coastlines of Suva an unexpected sight often catches the eye: the traces of human activity washed ashore. Amidst this litter, Suzanne Turaganiwai...

Coalition Government settles Fiji’s longest workers dispute with $9.2 million pay-out

Fiji’s longest workers dispute – at the Vatukoula Gold Mine, which has lasted 33 years, is expected to be finally settled, with a promised...