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ADB announces IF-CAP, New Programme to accelerate billions in Climate Change financing

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) today announced the Innovative Finance Facility for Climate in Asia and the Pacific (IF-CAP), a landmark programme which could significantly ramp up support for the region in the battle against climate change. The announcement was made by ADB President Masatsugu Asakawa on the opening day of ADB’s 56th Annual Meeting in Incheon. “Climate change is the...

Several new MPs will be sworn in to the 18th Niue Legislative Assembly after the general election

Niue voted in several new representatives to the next Fono Ekepule according to the provisional results issued by the Chief Electoral officer Darren Tohovaka and deputy CEO Richard Siataga. Three of the six representatives from the common roll are newcomers along with three old timers returning in a gender balanced common roll pack, but first the decision must be made...

Pro-independence forces win elections on French Polynesia

Pro-independence forces won elections on France's Pacific territory of French Polynesia, giving them control of affairs on the archipelagos for the next five years and opening the way to a possible referendum on their status, according to results published Monday. The Tavini huiraatira party headed by the overseas territory's former head Oscar Temaru won 44.3 percent of votes in the...

PM Rabuka explains Fiji’s stance on China’s relationship

Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has affirmed that the government will only cooperate with countries that share similar values and governance with Fiji. In a recent interview with FBC News, Rabuka clarified that Fiji is not seeking to distance itself from China and that their relationship is still based on the One China Policy. The comments came after a diplomatic dispute...

Former Fiji AG Sayed-Khaiyum charged for abuse of office, to appear in court

Fiji's former Attorney-General and General Secretary of the FijiFirst Party, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum has been charged with one count of Abuse of Office contrary to section 139 of the Crimes Act 2009. Acting Commissioner of Police, Juki Fong Chew in a statement said the charge sanctioned by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution relates to a report lodged by...

Suspended PNG Immigration Minister dismissed from office

Suspended Member for Madang and Papua New Guinea Immigration Minister, Bryan Kramer has been dismissed from office Monday by the Leadership Tribunal inquiring in to charges of misconduct in office against him. He has also been slapped with a K10,000 (US$2,841) fine. He was dismissed for two charges of scandalising the Judiciary and fined on five charges of DSIP funds application. “Based...

Pacific-first as climate and fisheries experts come together to focus on climate change response for offshore fisheries

Improving the region’s resilience to the potential impacts of climate change on the annual tuna income and livelihoods of millions of Pacific Islanders, was a key focus of the Inaugural Regional Meeting on Climate Change in the context of Tuna Fisheries. In a Pacific-first, the meeting brought together Fisheries and Climate Change officials from Member countries to discuss the regional...

Why Australia would be smart to recruit soldiers in the Pacific – a Fijian who served in the British Army explains

By William Waqavakatoga Fiji has a track record of service to the British crown. Travel to Hereford, where the Special Air Service is based, and you will find a statue of Sergeant Talaiasi Labalaba, who was one of the 212 Fijians who joined the British Army in 1961 and gave his all in the 1972 Battle of Mirbat in Oman. When...

Olympic champion Dame Valerie Adams urges Brisbane 2032 to ensure legacy for Oceania

New Zealand’s double Olympic shot put champion Dame Valerie Adams has urged organisers of the 2032 Olympics and Paralympics in Brisbane to ensure the Games benefit the entire Oceania region and not just Australia. Dame Valerie attended last month’s Step Up Oceania Conference in Brisbane where she was left feeling “uncomfortable” at the lack of focus on addressing challenges faced...

We are aware of FRU situation says World Rugby

World Rugby says it is aware of the situation unfolding at the Fiji Rugby Union. This all as the FRU annual general meeting scheduled for last Saturday was called off. In response to questions from FBC News, a World Rugby spokesperson says the governing body of the sport is aware of the latest developments. World Rugby further adds that it is engaged...

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