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Australian Defence Force to expand Pacific links in $1.9bn budget package to boost Australia’s influence

The military and police will expand links with Pacific Island countries as part of a nearly $2bn (US$1.3 billion) budget package aimed at boosting Australia’s influence across the region. After two months of rolling out big-spending defence announcements – including the Aukus nuclear-powered submarines – the Albanese government used Tuesday night’s budget to signal renewed interest in diplomacy and regional...

Journalists in Pacific Island states face uncertain times

Commentary by Shailendra Bahadur Singh The news media environment in the Pacific island states is experiencing some major turbulence, with a government of a key country trying to legislate the national press as competition grows between superpowers to court journalists in the region. Papua New Guinea, which is scheduled to host U.S President Joe Biden on 22 May, is currently the...

Australia invests to counter China’s influence in the Pacific

Australia will spend almost $2 billion(US$1.3 million) on improving relations with Pacific island nations as it seeks to counter China’s growing influence in the region. As well as spending $1.4 billion(US$947 million) over the next four years to expand security infrastructure and criminal justice co-operation in the Pacific, the government will increase the number of Pacific islanders migrating to Australia...

Biden to visit Papua New Guinea in a presidential first after G7 in Japan

U.S. President Joe Biden will become the first U.S sitting president to visit Papua New Guinea this month with a trip following the G7 in Japan, marking the administration's investment in the Pacific region to counter China. White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden would meet Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister James Marape other Pacific Island Forum leaders. “The leaders will...

PNG Immigration ready for VIP visits

Papua New Guinea Immigration is 99.9 per cent ready for the VIP visits this month, Chief Migration Officer Stanis Hulahau has assured. He told the Post-Courier that immigration officials, in fact, have been processing visas for technical teams travelling in and out of PNG over the last few weeks and months in preparation for these international visits. Hulahu said they do...

China accuses Australia of trying to sabotage its relationships in Pacific region

China has accused Australia of attempting to sabotage its relationships in the Pacific, saying Australia has a “cold war mentality” and is blinded by “ideological prejudice”. Senior Chinese diplomats said Australia has undermined Beijing’s security and law enforcement cooperation with Fiji, alleging its relations with Fiji are being “targeted” by Australia, the US and New Zealand. Fiji’s prime minister, Sitiveni Rabuka,...

French military ship visits Fiji

Over 500 French naval crew members and officials on the military vessel F734 Vendemiaire paid a goodwill port call in Suva Tuesday Captain Mocard Emmanuel said this visit also marks a renewed commitment to strengthening bilateral relations between Fiji and France. The visit is part of their Jeanne D’Arc mission, where cadets and officers are deployed for humanitarian and operational training...

Pacific Youth Spotlighting Anti-Corruption in Climate Change Responses and Gender Equality

Youths from across Pacific Islands Countries will engage in strategic discussion with Pacific leaders on advancing good governance with a focus on the impact of corruption on sustainable development. The discussion, among others, will spotlight two key topics as identified to be priority by youth: response to climate change and promoting gender equality in the Blue Pacific region. The Pacific...

Dolphins role readying Katoa to call shots for Tonga in England series

Teen star Isaiya Katoa continues to exceed the expectations of Dolphins coach-in-waiting Kristian Woolf and is set to be a key member of his Tonga side in the end-of-season series against England. Katoa, who scored his first NRL try in last weekend’s stunning 36-16 triumph against Cronulla, has been forced to assume the chief playmaking duties for the Dolphins following...

One more job to do, says Fijian Warriors captain Malele

Fijian Warriors Captain Enele Malele says they still have one more job to do before reclaiming the World Rugby Pacific Challenge title. The Warriors now claim top sit and are undefeated after beating hosts Manuma Samoa 50-25 Monday, but the Lauan skipper said the fight is not over yet. “We still have one more to go,” Malele said. “The game against Manuma...

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