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Vanuatu MP urges French President Macron to return Matthew and Hunter

French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit will only be useful to Vanuatu if he accepts for France to return our two islands — Matthew and Hunter, says Johnny Koanapo, Vanuatu Member of Parliament (MP) for Tanna, Tafea Province. The French President is expected to arrive in Vanuatu on Wednesday. “After over seven decades of joint colonisation of New Hebrides (now Vanuatu) by...

U.S official pledges aid to reduce disaster risk

The U.S Second Gentleman has pledged more aid for disaster risk reduction in Samoa as he met Women in Business Development Inc representatives on Monday as part of a five-hour visit. The husband of the U.S Vice President Kamala Harris, Douglas Emhoff arrived in Samoa a day later than scheduled which meant his visit to the island nation was cut...

Deep ocean targeted for mining is rich in unknown life

A vast area at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean earmarked for controversial deep sea mineral mining is home to thousands of species unknown to science and more complex than previously understood, according to several new studies. Miners are eyeing an abyssal plain stretching between Hawaii and Mexico, known as the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ), for the rock-like "nodules" scattered across...

Could the law of the sea be used to protect small island states from climate change?

By Ellycia Harrould-Kolieb, Margaret Young Climate change will wreak havoc on small island developing states in the Pacific and elsewhere. Some will be swamped by rising seas. These communities also face more extreme weather, increasingly acidic oceans, coral bleaching and harm to fisheries. Food supplies, human health and livelihoods are at risk. And its clear other countries burning fossil fuels...

Macron promotes French interests on a trip to South Pacific where U.S-China rivalry is intensifying

The French president is pressing his country’s interests in the South Pacific this week and trying to make France’s voice heard in a region shaping up as a prime geopolitical battleground for China and the U.S. President Emmanuel Macron’s trip to Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and New Caledonia starting Monday comes as French forces take part in massive U.S Australian-led...

U.S-China competition: Blinken heading to New Zealand, Tonga, Australia

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit the Pacific this week – his third foray to the region – to discuss security co-operation with New Zealand and Australia. The State Department said Blinken would also attend the Fifa Women’s World Cup in Aotearoa. But first, he will dedicate the U.S embassy in Tonga on Wednesday – a move many...

‘Multination military exercise in Australia shows unity to China’

United States Navy Secretary Carlos del Toro said the major multination military training exercise launched in Australia sent a message to China that America's allies were cooperating to defend their security and democratic values. Talisman Sabre began in 2005 as a biennial joint exercise between the U.S and Australia, but has expanded this year to 13 nations and more than...

Congress prodded to finalise Compact package for freely associated states

Defence officials and territorial delegates have pressed both houses of Congress to tie up the proposed new economic packages under the Compacts of Free Association, noting the freely associated states’ critical role in the U.S strategic vision for the Indo-Pacific region. “The compact renewal comes at a time of unprecedented U.S commitment to the Pacific islands,” said Siddharth Mohandas, the...

‘Our country is sinking – we’re in a race against time to save it’

The tiny Pacific island of Tuvalu is in danger of disappearing into the ocean, but its people have a plan – a new digital home for future generations By Saphora Smith and Olly Box  They knew we were coming. As we flew on one of the thrice-weekly flights to the tiny Pacific island state of Tuvalu, a construction worker sitting...

We did good in the midfield: Flying Fijians coach Raiwalui

Flying Fijians have many options in the midfield and one was tested over the weekend against Tonga in the Punjas Pacific Battle. Josua Tuisova and captain Waisea Nayacalevu showed what they can do as a pair and was tough to handle throughout the match. Vilimoni Botitu, Seta Tamanivalu, Semi Radradra, Kalaveti Ravouvou, Iosefo Masi and Sireli Maqala will also be tested...

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Vanuatu PM calls for Climate Justice, backs New Caledonia and West Papua self-determination at...

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Pacific leaders look for more support for its Pacific Resilience Facility

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