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IAEA Director General Statement on Discharge of Fukushima Daiichi ALPS Treated Water

The Government of Japan announced today that it requested Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (TEPCO) to promptly proceed with its preparations for the discharge into the sea of ALPS treated water stored at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, in accordance with the implementation plan approved by Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority. If there is no interference due to weather...

Pacific governments must leverage their support of COP31 bid for greater climate action by Australia

The Pacific Islands Climate Action Network (PICAN) expresses our concerns regarding Australia's eagerness to secure early support for its bid to host COP31. Australia, through its Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Chris Bowen MP, will host a dialogue with Pacific Island nations on 23 August 2023, seeking early commitments of support for its COP31 nomination. While PICAN acknowledges the...

My decision to endorse the IAEA findings of Fukushima is taken by me as a PM’s prerogative – Rabuka

As the calls continue to call for local and international action to reject the discharging of wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan into the Pacific Ocean, Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka says the controversy is on the agenda of the Pacific Islands Forum. While speaking during the Pacific Small Islands Developing States High-Level Dialogue on Climate Change,...

Marshalls ‘astounded’ at exclusion from U.S nuclear compensation plan

Days after United States Congressional leaders and executive branch officials told Marshall Islands leaders there was "no more money" for nuclear test compensation, the U.S Senate passed legislation expanding nuclear compensation to more Americans in the US mainland and Guam. The Senate legislation seeks to expand the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act of 1990. This law currently provides compensation to American Downwinders...

OPOC Commissioner not concerned with ‘turf war’ and ‘mandate creep’ in the ocean space

By Makereta Komai, PACNEWS Editor in Nadi The new Pacific Ocean Commissioner is not too concerned with perceptions of ‘turf war’ and ‘mandate creep’ in the ocean space in the Pacific. Instead, Dr Filimon Manoni is confident of the support and close collaboration with other regional organisations working in ocean governance. “I think you have heard the CROP heads speak out openly...

New OPOC office challenged to grow and effectively co-ordinate the Pacific’s growing ocean and policy governance needs

By Makereta Komai, PACNEWS Editor in Nadi As the new Office for Pacific Ocean Commissioner (OPOC) begins its transition away from the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Secretariat, the regional ocean governance dialogue in Nadi this week has helped consolidate support for the mandate of the new office to be based in Palau. Palau, the host government of the new OPOC office,...

Special envoy urges Pacific nations to ‘ratify and implement’ oceans agreements

By Samantha Magick The United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean says while great strides have been made towards reaching the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG14) on sustainable oceans management and conservation, the focus now needs to be on ratification and implementation. Speaking at the opening of a Pacific Regional Ocean Policy and Governance Dialogue this morning, Fiji’s Peter Thomson, who...

PNGDF Commander Major General Goina suspended, Commodore Philip Polewara Acting chief

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape has announced the suspension of the Defence Commander, Major General Mark Goina from duties for three months. This is so that the General Board of Inquiry established by the Defense Minister can continue to inquire into the fatal shooting of two service men, the wounding of another soldier, and a civilian during a...

Forum SG Puna urges action, ambition at UNFCC-Pacific High Level Climate Meet

"We cannot and should not, be forced to constantly live under the threat of climate change and climate induced disasters, while those most responsible for global warming continue to drag their feet when it comes to real and effective climate action,” says Forum Secretary General, Henry Puna. Puna made the statement in his opening remarks at the Pacific High-Level Climate...

Marshall Islands reacts to U.S expansion of nuclear compensation

Within days of United States congressional leaders and executive branch officials telling Marshall Islands leaders there was no more money for nuclear test compensation, the U.S Senate passed legislation expanding nuclear compensation to more Americans in the U.S mainland and also living on Guam. The Senate legislation seeks to expand the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act of 1990. This law currently...

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Solomon Islands PM in Australia for bilateral talks, visit China to ‘reaffirm’ ties

Solomon Islands new Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele is in Australia on his first state visit since taking office. A meeting with Australian counterpart Anthony Albanese...

New Caledonia independence group demands Indigenous leader’s release from custody in mainland France

Members of a pro-independence movement in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia demanded on Monday the “release and immediate return” of the Indigenous...

U.S offers direct assistance in war against drugs

The American Government is prepared to provide direct assistance to Fiji in combating the escalating cases of drug trafficking in the country. U.S deputy Secretary...