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Children’s voices must be heard on climate crisis, says UN rights body

Governments must respond to growing concerns expressed by children about the effects of the climate crisis and other environmental emergencies on their lives and futures, a UN body has said. In a strongly worded formal opinion published on Monday, the Committee on the Rights of the Child concludes that the triple planetary crisis – the climate emergency, the collapse of...

Vanuatu speaker lodges court appeal amid political crisis

The speaker of Vanuatu's parliament has appealed a court decision deeming a no-confidence vote against Prime Minister Ishmael Kalsakau successful, prolonging a political crisis in the Pacific island nation. Vanuatu, at the centre of a strategic rivalry between China and Western countries in the region, was plunged into political uncertainty when opposition leader Bob Loughman lodged the no-confidence petition criticising...

Despite Pacific territories’ concerns, U.S backs Japan’s nuke water discharge

Pacific island nations and territories must stick together to hold the Japanese government accountable for any consequences that might result from its release of advanced liquid processing system-treated water from the Fukushima power plant into the Pacific Ocean, Guam Lieutenant Governor Josh Tenorio said. “None of these decisions are within our control but I think it will be helpful for...

Fiji PM prioritises expert oversight in handling Japan’s nuclear wastewater

Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka staunchly defends his decision to support the safety protocols outlined by the International Atomic Energy Agency regarding Japan’s nuclear wastewater release into the Pacific Ocean. In a recent interview with FBC News, Rabuka emphasised that Japan had willingly submitted to scientific investigation and entrusted the foremost authority on nuclear accidents and radioactivity, the International Atomic...

Indonesia claims Benny Wenda presents false report on West Papua at MSG Summit

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) led by Benny Wenda presented a false report on the situation in Papua at the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Summit, forcing Indonesia to walk out of the forum. The summit of Melanesian countries, including Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and the Kanak...

For the Melanesian Spearhead Group, West Papua Presents a Challenge

West Papua’s independence movement again failed to obtain MSG membership, highlighting members’ competing strategic interests. By Grant Wyeth Last week the 22nd Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Leaders’ Summit was held in Port Vila, Vanuatu. The MSG is a regional body that includes Solomon Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, and Papua New Guinea as well as the Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front...

Fiji say focus is on Wales World Cup opener

Fiji say their attention will not deviate from their World Cup opener against Wales despite making history against England at Twickenham. Fiji celebrated a first win against England in front of Wales head coach Warren Gatland, with the two sides facing off in Bordeaux on 10 September. “We have been preparing for 10 September, that has been our goal since the...

Fiji win has big implications: World Rugby

Fiji’s 30-22 win over England, their first in eight attempts in test rugby, boosted their rating by 1.58 points with their beaten opponents losing as many in exchange. Fiji are now the higher ranked of the two teams in seventh, their best-ever position, with England a third of a point behind in eighth. The only time England have been as low...

Papua New Guinea says it will open an embassy in Jerusalem next week

Papua New Guinea is set to open its embassy in Jerusalem next week during a visit to Israel by Prime Minister James Marape, according to an Israeli official. The inauguration of the embassy will take place on 05 September, according to Channel 14, which first reported on the development, without citing sources. The Foreign Ministry declined to comment on the report,...

Pacific islands need to wage united fight, experts say

As Japan allows nuclear-contaminated water to be dumped into the Pacific Ocean, Pacific islands and South Asian regions must unite in vigilance, advocating transparent information-sharing, rigorous monitoring and coordinated action, experts say. “The international community, in solidarity, must hold nations accountable for responsible environmental stewardship,” said Anjal Prakash, clinical associate professor in research at the Bharti Institute of Public Policy,...

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Fiji PM confirms resignation of Fisheries Minister Ravu, appoints Alitia Bainivalu as successor

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