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Japan to start Fukushima water release as early as late August

Japan plans to start releasing treated radioactive water from the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean as soon as late August, Japan’s Asahi Shimbun daily reported on Monday, citing unnamed government sources. The release is likely to come shortly after the prime minister, Fumio Kishida, meets the U.S president, Joe Biden, and the South Korean president, Yoon Suk-yeol,...

Tuvalu Finance Minister launches climate finance discussions with Pacific civil society

Tuvalu Minister of Finance, Seve Paeniu today joined Pacific civil society on the island of Kioa, Fiji to launch discussions on accessibility to climate finance ahead of the Pacific Forum Economic Ministers Meeting (FEMM) in Suva. The Kato Pacific Community Climate Fund was first discussed in October last year, when Pacific civil society representatives signed the Kioa Climate Emergency Declaration....

Bougainville urges PNG government to do the right thing

Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) vice-president Patrick Nisira has called on the Government to consider the politically sensitive environment of the region when voting for the ratification and endorsement of the referendum result in Parliament. Nisira said that no one could have predicted the result of the referendum. “But when the results were announced on 11 December 2019, people cried with joy...

Fiji and Samoa to further strengthen relations in key areas of development

As Pacific nations, Fiji and Samoa are determined to advance cooperation for sustainable economic growth and development. This was articulated at an introductory call received by the Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Dr Lesikimacuata Korovavala from the Samoan High Commissioner to Fiji,Aliioaiga Feturi Elisaia. The meeting highlighted that the enduring and multifaceted, Fiji and Samoa relationship is based on trust and...

Anti-nuclear group condemns Fiji PM Sitiveni Rabuka’s Fukushima wastewater stance

Pacific anti-nuclear advocacy groups and campaigners have condemned the Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka's backing of Japan's plans release over one million tonnes of treated nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. Last Thursday, Rabuka announced he was “satisfied” with Japan's efforts to demonstrate that the release will be safe. He said he had read the International Atomic Energy Agency's report which...

Vanuatu cabinet reshuffle

Vanuatu Prime Minister Ishmael Kalsakau has made a cabinet reshuffle. MP for Santo Rural Samson Samsen has been appointed new Minister for Trade. Matai Seremaiah is now Minister for Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister replacing Jotham Napat. A motion of no confidence bearing the signatures of 29 Members of Parliament was lodged and received by the office of the Vanuatu Speaker...

Cook Islands PM in Fiji for bilateral and regional economic resilience and partnerships for prosperity discussions

Cook Islands Prime Minister of the Cook Islands Mark Brown has arrived in Fiji for a series of bilateral and regional engagements focused on the Cook Islands and the Pacific economic resilience and partnerships for prosperity priorities. On Monday, Prime Minister Brown's schedule of engagements starts with a meeting with Fiji Airways Chief Executive and Managing Director Andre Viljoen and...

U.S lawmakers back closer coordination with Pacific islands to counter China

A bipartisan group of U.S senators has proposed legislation to support establishment of national security councils in strategic Pacific island states that are home to key U.S military installations and at risk of espionage and coercion by China. The provisions are contained in the sweeping National Defence Authorisation Act, which was passed by the Senate last month but is still...

Forum Economic Ministers Suva bound for FEMM 2023

The Forum Economic Ministers Meeting (FEMM) will convene at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Fiji for their annual meeting, this week to discuss the region's economic performance in the last year. The 2023 FEMM is a critical opportunity for Pacific Finance and Economic Ministers to collectively discuss the key economic challenges facing the region given the current global volatility and...

Nauru Airlines eyes growth in the Pacific as carrier launches new freighter plane at Brisbane Airport

Brisbane-based Nauru Airlines has marked the beginning of a new chapter as a growing freight carrier with the addition of Australia's first Boeing 737-800F to its fleet. Although the airline is headquartered on Nauru, the country's flag carrier has been based out of Brisbane Airport for 20 years and is registered under Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority and local aviation...

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