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Countdown starts to Japan’s first release of treated nuclear wastewater, TEPCO assures the Pacific

A Japanese government spokesperson says it is “not wilfully trying to divide the Pacific" over the Fukushima waste release. Japan is set to start discharging more than one million tonnes of treated nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean on Thursday local time. This comes 12 years after a tsunami slammed the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant resulting in what has been...

Greenpeace criticises Japan announcement date for Fukushima radioactive water release

Greenpeace has criticised the Japanese government’s announcement of the start date for radioactive water discharges from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear station into the Pacific Ocean. The decision disregards scientific evidence, violates the human rights of communities in Japan and the Pacific region, and is non-compliant with international maritime law. More importantly it ignores its people’s concerns, including fishermen. The Japanese...

Electric vehicles to be utilised for Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ in-country transportation

The Cook Islands Government has acquired a fleet of 25 Hyundai Ionic electric vehicles, valued at $1.7 million (US$1 million) landed cost which will be used to transport the Leaders during the five days of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Leaders (PIFLM52) to be held in November. Two processes, overseen by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM)were carried...

Statement of PIF Chair Mark Brown on the Fukushima ALPS treated water discharge

Given our Blue Pacific region's ongoing nuclear testing legacy, and our collective commitment to the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone (SPNFZ) – also known as the Treaty of Rarotonga – the Forum will always exercise the highest levels of caution on all nuclear related issues. As related to the complex case of the Japan Fukushima nuclear wastewater issue, PIF Leaders...

Cook Islands Marae Moana marine park, an example of whole of society buy-in

By Makereta Komai, PACNEWS Editor in Nadi The government of Cook Islands undertook five years of exhaustive consultation throughout the islands before it set up its marine park, the Moana Marae in 2017. In the five years – from 2011-2016, it conducted 34 public meetings, sent out 212 questionnaire surveys, convened five stakeholder workshops and set up 32 committees and taskforce...

Stop fear mongering on Fukushima issue: Fiji PM Rabuka

Fiji’s Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has defended the Japanese Government’s decision to discharge nuclear waste material into the Pacific Ocean. In a statement, Rabuka said there are constant references to the plans for the wastewater to be dumped in the Pacific. “That creates the wrong impression. It is to be discharged - into Japan’s own backyard, 7306 kms from Fiji,” said...

COP28 Director General meets with Fiji’s PM, underscores Presidency’s commitment to Pacific Island nations’ climate priorities and needs

COP28 Director-General and Special Representative Majid Al Suwaidi visited Fiji to meet with Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka and distinguished leaders of Pacific Island nations. In his remarks at the Pacific SIDS High-Level Dialogue on Climate Change in Fiji, Al Suwaidi underscored the COP28 Presidency’s commitment to delivering for vulnerable countries at the upcoming climate summit. Al Suwaidi also recognised that...

Special Procedure Communications and official Statement on Fukushima Wastewater disposal plans

On behalf of Ocean Vision Legal (OVL) and the civil society groups, movements and alliances from the Pacific, Asia and the United States, we are concerned about the imminent risk of severe Human Rights violations caused by the disposal of nuclear-contaminated wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) into the Pacific Ocean by the Government of Japan...

Pacific countries urged to take advantage of geopolitical interests to support ocean governance

By Makereta Komai, PACNEWS Editor in Nadi The Republic of Marshall Islands national ocean policy is premised on working 'smarter' and not 'harder.' Glen Joseph, the Director of the Marshall Islands Marine Resource Authority (MIMRA) said his government has had to innovate and strategise on how to engage with donors and partners – given the increasing geostrategic and geopolitical interests in...

Vanuatu’s National Ocean Policy addresses some outstanding ocean related territorial disputes

By Makereta Komai, PACNEWS Editor in Nadi The government of Vanuatu hopes the long-standing joint submission with Fiji and Solomon Islands to extend their outer limits of the continental shelf in the North Fiji Basin will be resolved soon. In 2009, the three coastal states lodged their interest to extend the outer limits of their continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles...

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