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UN appeals for nuclear test ban amid ‘alarming rise in global mistrust’

The United Nations on Tuesday called for more global action to end nuclear testing, warning against the danger of “collective suicide”. In his message marking the International Day against Nuclear Tests, Secretary-General António Guterres appealed for key countries to ratify the international treaty that bans experiments for both peaceful and military purposes. “This year, we face an alarming rise in global...

Wenda welcomes MSG call for UN visit and fights on for full membership

In spite of again being denied full membership of the Melanesian Spearhead Group, the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) has welcomed the call from the MSG Leaders’ Summit in Port Vila last week for Indonesia to allow the long-awaited visit of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to West Papua. “I hope that the MSG chair will...

Fiji’s Nuclear Veteran sheds light on the nuclear testing operations

Between 1957 and 1958, Fijian soldiers were deployed from the then-British colony of Fiji to Kiritimati (Christmas Islands), now part of the Republic of Kiribati, during the series of British nuclear tests, Operation Grapple. Christmas Island was chosen as a testing site for British nuclear weapons during the Cold War due to its remote location and relative isolation, which was...

The long-lasting consequences of nuclear testing in the Pacific region

Amid Pacific Island countries dealing with the impacts of nuclear testing and Japan's wastewater discharge, leaders came together to commemorate the International Day Against Nuclear Tests, voicing their ongoing concerns and renewing their commitment to international peace. Speaking on behalf of the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) Government and its people at the Pacific Islands Forum in Suva on Tuesday,...

Youth voices rise to safeguard Children’s tomorrow: Demanding change against nuclear testing and waste injustices

By Rowena Acraman The injustice and displacement experienced by island nations, such as the Marshall Islands, due to their involvement in nuclear testing during the 1950s continues to impact future generations, highlighting a distressing and recurring issue. The University of the South Pacific student (USP), Christy Kabua from the Marshall Islands, expressed her concerns for the future of her children during...

Pacific nations must continue to support Marshall Islands call for nuclear justice: Forum SG

As the world commemorate ‘International Day Against Nuclear Tests’ sadly, nations continue to cling to their nuclear arsenals, perpetuating a dangerous status quo, says Forum Secretary General Henry Puna. “So as we strive towards accelerating global peace and security, we must continue to support the Marshall Islands’ calls for nuclear justice, and we must continue to uphold our Nuclear Free...

U.S given OK to enforce maritime law around Palau as Washington vies with China for Pacific influence

The United States has signed a new agreement with Palau, which gives American ships the authorisation to unilaterally enforce maritime regulations in the tiny Pacific island nation's exclusive economic zone, the U.S Coast Guard said Tuesday. The agreement comes as both the U.S. and China are seeking to expand their influence in the Pacific, and follows pleas from Palau's president...

Climate-vulnerable nations prepare to deploy loss and damage funds

Climate -vulnerable countries plan to set up national funds to help them tackle losses and damage caused by extreme weather and rising seas, which will collect money from different sources including wealthy governments, business, insurance and aid. The finance facilities will work with communities to prepare them to deal with worsening climate change impacts, said Ritu Bharadwaj, climate researcher at...

Scientists to study four coral atolls in Marshall Islands in support of country’s innovative Ocean Protection approach

National Geographic Pristine Seas dropped anchor in the Republic of Marshall Islands Tuesday to explore four of the Pacific nation's 29 atolls, one of which the U.S used as detonation site for 23 nuclear bombs between 1946-1958. The scientists will survey sea life in the Bikini Atoll and the neighbouring Rongerik Atoll, as well as two of the country's most...

Moratorium placed on deep sea mining in PNG: PM Marape

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape says a moratorium has been placed on the Nautilus deep sea mining and will continue until scientific evidence proves otherwise. Marape said the Melanesian Spearhead Group(MSG) made a resolution to ban deep sea mining until technology and studies showed that it could be done in an environmentally-sensitive manner. “PNG waters have the most fertile...

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Yap narrowly votes for political status review; constitutional change in the offing

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Security expert calls for unity against “Polycrisis” at Pacific Security Conference

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Fiji PM Rabuka says unified response needed for security challenges facing the region

Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has called for urgent collective action to address the complex “polycrisis” threatening the Blue Pacific. “Seeing everyone here highlights the...