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Mining once made this Pacific island unliveable, now residents fear its return

For some Banabans who trace their family, their history, and their home to the tiny Pacific island, the prospect of phosphate mining being restarted is the re-opening of a wound never healed, “a betrayal”. “We don’t want mining there,” Toanuea Taratai, chairman of Tabwewa village, told the Guardian this week. “Even though we might be far away, our heart and...

Solomon Islands opposition MP calls for investigation after U.S cable says ‘replica’ Chinese guns were likely real

The Solomon Islands opposition is calling for an independent investigation into a contentious shipment of "replica weapons" brought into the Pacific Island country by China after publicly released U.S diplomatic cables claimed the guns were likely real. A controversy erupted in Solomon Islands in March last year after local media reported that firearms had been smuggled into the capital Honiara. The...

ABU Pacific Media Partnership Conference communique

At a time of unprecedented concern around the world about reduced public access to accurate, impartial and verified information, this meeting of Pacific members of the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) reaffirms the importance of media and journalistic freedom. Media freedom is essential in participatory democracies. It empowers media organisations to report without fear or favour and to hold power...

The Sydney coach creating the perfect platform for Fiji’s World Cup campaign

Mick Byrne made his name as an innovator. After a playing career in Australian rules football, he pioneered the role of the rugby skills coach in England and Scotland, going on to work with the All Blacks for over a decade. In 2021, Byrne landed his first Super Rugby head coaching role when he was appointed to the job with...

Byrne, Baber are proud coaches

Former Fiji 7s coach Gareth Baber and Mick Byrne, mentor of Swire Shipping Fijian Drua, are proud of the progress made by the players in the Flying Fijians Rugby World Cup team. Baber coached famous Fiji 7s players and Olympic gold medalists such as Meli Derenalagi, Jiuta Wainiqolo, Iosefo Masi, and Sireli Maqala. Byrne highly praises the smooth inclusion of his...

Jake: Fiji can dethrone Boks

Jake White has backed the Springboks to win the 2023 World Cup, but says even rank outsiders like England and Fiji will be a threat for the defending champions in France. The world champions will go into the tournament as the second-ranked team as World Rugby’s rankings received a major shake-up after the final round of warm-ups last week. Twickenham was...

PNG demands Japan’s support for water quality testing

Papua New Guinea's Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister Jelta Wong has announced the critical steps to safeguard the nation's water in response to the discharge of wastewater from Fuskushima power station. Minister Wong has unveiled plans to introduce rigorous monitoring and testing procedures to detect hazardous materials in PNG's water. To fund this initiative, Papua New Guinea will request financial assistance...

Will Tonga PM survive vote of no confidence on Tuesday, but be ousted at next election?

When Tonga Parliament meets on Tuesday MPs will decide on a vote of no confidence (VONC) based on growing dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Hu’akavameiliku’s Siaosi Sovaleni performance. The motion was submitted by MP Dr Eke of Tongatapu 5, supported by 10 MPs altogether which included two nobility MPs Lord Nuku and Tu’ivakano. The question is whether enough MPs will vote against...

SPREP enhances partnerships for a resilient Blue Pacific

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) continues to strengthen partnerships for a resilient Blue Pacific through the first SPREP Partnership Dialogue taking place in Samoa, at the Taumeasina Island Resort, on Monday. The meeting attended by SPREP Members, partners and donors to strengthen collaboration, coordination and networking, kick started the week of the 31st SPREP Meeting of...

Team effort leads to Fiji’s first nationwide assessment of Coral reefs

The first ever nationwide assessment of Fiji’s coral reefs has successfully concluded after nine weeks of dive surveys. Divers studied coral reef habitats at 272 locations across the country and encountered almost 500 different species of fish, highlighting Fiji’s rich and diverse marine life. * Phase one surveyed 95 sites in the areas of Viti Levu, Beqa, Yanuca, Western Lomaiviti and...

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International concern over Tonga’s debate on death penalty for drug offences

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