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Oceania Paralympic Committee to set up head office at Griffith University in time for Brisbane 2032

The Oceania Paralympic Committee (OPC) is moving its head office to Australia to ensure it capitalises on the opportunity of Brisbane hosting the 2032 Paralympic Games. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between the OPC and Griffith University, based in South East Queensland, for them to re-locate themselves to the Gold Coast. Griffith University's director of Games engagement and...

Fiji to be represented by 592 personnel for Pacific Games

Team Fiji Chef De Mission Ajay Ballu has confirmed that 592 athletes and officials will represent the country at the 2023 Pacific Games in Honiara, Solomon Islands later this year. Ballu said from the 592 confirmed, 102 are non-travelling reserves from 25 sporting federations including two para-sports. Fiji has 53 per cent male athletes, 46 per cent of female athletes, three...

Marshall Islands President calls on the world to declare war on climate change

President David Kabua says the future of the Marshall Islands and all low lying islands states hangs in the balance due to the effects of climate change. He told the 78th UN General Assembly General debate, the Marshall Islands believes that the time for speeches and eloquence of talk is over. “It is time for eloquence of actions. Let deeds, not...

Marshall Islands says U.S must address nuclear legacy for deal on future ties

The president of the Marshall Islands said on Wednesday his Pacific island nation was "cautiously optimistic" it could soon finalise a deal on future ties with the United States, but repeated a call for Washington to address the legacy of massive nuclear testing in the 1940s and 50s. The Marshall Islands is one of three sparsely populated Pacific island nations...

Kiwa Initiative launches second round of project proposals for Pacific

By ‘Ema Fe’ao, USP Journalism student Kiwa Initiative is a multi-donor programme, that seeks to increase climate change resilience through nature-based solutions in the Pacific. This was highlighted at the opening of the new call for proposals for 2023 at an event in Suva on Wednesday 20 September, 2023. The call, which runs from 20 September to 12 November 2023 –...

Tuvalu Parliament unanimously approve new amended Constitution, to come into force on 01 October

Tuvalu's Parliament has unanimously approved the proposed Constitution of Tuvalu Bill 2023 – endorsing 26 amendments proposed by the Parliamentary Review Committee led by former foreign affairs minister, Simon Kofe. Announcing the historical moment on his social media page, Kofe said a special two-day session of the Tuvalu Parliament early this month endorsed the amendment bill, “with all the Members...

Pacific Oceans Commissioner welcomes signing of BBNJ Agreement

Pacific Ocean Commissioner, Dr Filimon Manoni has welcomed Pacific countries signing the Biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) Agreement in New York and appeal to other countries to follow suit. The new chapter of the law of the sea, which opened in June with the adoption of the Agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity...

Fiji’s PM champions Climate Justice at UN General Assembly

During a compelling speech at Thematic Session 2 of the UN General Assembly Climate Ambition Summit, titled "Delivering Climate Justice: Accelerating Ambition and Implementation on Adaptation and Early Warning for All," Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka, issued a stirring call to action. He emphasised Fiji's unique position as a frontline nation in the battle against climate change, its struggles with erratic...

Tuvalu Constitution updated: culture, climate change and decolonisation

By Simon Kofe and Jess Marinaccio On 05 September 2023, I (Kofe) announced the unanimous passage by Tuvalu’s parliament of the Constitution of Tuvalu Act 2023. The new constitutional amendments will come into effect on 1 October 2023, Tuvalu’s 45th Independence Day. Since November 2016, Tuvalu has been conducting a review of its Constitution to address a variety of concerns. The...

Push to amend Tuvalu’s Constitution to add geographical co-ordinates and archipelagic baseline

A number of significant amendments to Tuvalu's Constitution have been proposed by the Constitution Review Parliamentary Select Committee. Amongst the 26 proposed changes, the Committee wants to amend Section 2 of the Constitution that refers to the 'Area of Tuvalu' to include the impact of climate change and sea level rise on the nation's territory and statehood. The Committee is of...

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Australia in talks with Solomons to expand policing

Australia will help prop up the Solomon Islands police force after a request from its prime minister as the federal government works to increase...

French Ambassador responds to Vanuatu’s Kanak solidarity march petition

In response to the petition presented to the deputy French Ambassador during a solidarity march led by the Vanuatu President of the Malvatumauri Council...

Australia-Solomon Islands Leaders’ meeting

Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia, welcomed Jeremiah Manele, Prime Minister of Solomon Islands to Canberra on 26 June 2024 on his first international...