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PTF 2023: Current trends show Pacific, PNG tuna industry thriving in 2050

The Malaysia-based INFO-Fish information and data hub on Asia-Pacific Fisheries and Fish products is a core part of the Pacific Tuna Forum’s energy. Driven in partnership with the National Fisheries Authority of PNG, the Pacific Tuna Forum, now in its 8th year, is preceded by a media training partnership to help journalists registered to cover the Forum, do what they...

PTF 2023: PNG tuna fisheries offers Pacific milestones in standards, compliance, markets – Manieva

With food security as its key all-inclusive vision for Papua New Guinea, the PNG National Fisheries Authority works towards an internationally competitive and sustainable sector and fishing industry, characterised by resilient and commercially inclusive socioeconomic growth. The NFA Board Chair Laurie William and Communications guru Carolyn Ive were key leads in a media training event ahead of the Pacific Fisheries...

PTF 2023: Context, understanding issues key to reporting tuna and oceans- Choi

Papua New Guinea media are the largest single media industry group of the developing Pacific — and are often at the coalface of learning partnerships, challenges, and opportunities to flex their role as the 4th estate. In quick Q and A mode with PIF Public Affairs, the current PNG Media Council President Neville Choi – leading media training alongside NFA’s...

PTF 2023: FFA Deputy Manoa challenges journos to tell PNG’s untold tuna stories

Pacific Islands Forum Leaders established the Forum Fisheries Agency on 09 August 1979, to build national capacity and regional cooperation so Pacific nations can secure their economic aspirations and sustainability of the Pacific tuna fishery. Last week at a special reporting Tuna fisheries workshop in Kokopo, Papua New Guinea, FFA’s Deputy Director General Dr Pio Manoa joined for the closing...

Australian police to stay in Solomon Islands until 2024 election

Australian police will stay in the Solomon Islands to provide security for a regional sporting event in November and national elections in 2024, the Pacific Island nation's government has said. The number of officers will increase before November's Pacific Games, when 5,000 athletes from two dozen nations are expected to arrive, according to a statement on Solomon Islands Broadcasting's Facebook...

Forum SG Puna hopes leaders will endorse declaration

Pacific Islands Forum secretary general Henry Puna says he hopes Forum leaders would endorse the Pacific Leaders Gender Equality Declaration in November. During a media conference on Friday night at the Forum Secretariat headquarters, Puna said they had entrusted to each forum member to put into actions what leaders had collectively agreed to in Rarotonga in 2012. “As I have mentioned...

Support for Fiji Coalition Government ‘very solid’ – SODELPA leader Gavoka

Fiji's deputy Prime Minister and Social Democratic Liberal Party leader Viliame Gavoka has confirmed SODELPA’s support for the Coalition government is “very solid”. And he has dismissed reports that claimed he was to deliver a letter to Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka threatening the party would defect to FijiFirst if certain demands were not met. “There is no truth that I delivered...

Pacific Police Chiefs unite to fight transnational crime

The Australia Federal Police (AFP) hosted the Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police Conference last week, reinforcing the need to work closely together to ensure the safety and security of communities across the region. The 50th annual conference saw 19 Chiefs or their delegates come together to share information, knowledge and form stronger partnerships to further combat transnational crime and other...

Samoan climate activist welcomes UN’s recognition of children’s rights

A young Samoan climate activist says the UN's new guidance on children's rights to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is “the first step to global change”. The UN Committee have affirmed for the first time that climate change is affecting children's rights to life, survival and development. 'General Comment No. 26' specifies that countries are responsible not only for protecting...

Fiji deputy PM calls on NZ Government for visa-free travel to improve trade relations

Fiji’s Deputy Prime Minister Biman Prasad says a visa-free travel agreement between his country and New Zealand would help both economies which are “underperforming” in trade relations. Prasad and Finance Minister Grant Robertson spoke at this year’s Fiji-New Zealand Business Council conference, the first under Fiji’s new coalition Government led by Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka. Prasad said visa-free travel arrangements between...

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