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U.S backs Pacific undersea internet cable amid China competition

The United States is backing a new undersea internet cable connecting several Pacific islands, according to a plan for the project, boosting Washington's interests in a region where it is vying for influence with China. The Central Pacific Cable would connect American Samoa with Guam - two U.S territories - and extend to up to 12 more Pacific islands, according...

Solomon Islands and AIIB: A New Chapter in Pacific Infrastructure Development

By Dr Transform Aqorau On 26 September, a significant announcement echoed across the Pacific region: The Solomon Islands officially joined the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). As the world watches closely, this latest membership has broad implications for the island nation and perhaps for the wider Pacific context. Why is this significant? The AIIB, established in 2016, has rapidly grown to be...

Fiji feeling the love as everyone’s favorite Rugby World Cup underdog; makes two changes for Georgia

Fiji went for consistency in selection on Thursday for a Rugby World Cup game against Georgia that could put the popular Pacific islanders on the cusp of the quarterfinals. Everyone’s favorite underdog made just one change to the 15 that started and upset Australia 22-15 just under two weeks ago. Selesitino Ravutaumada is in at right wing for Jiuta Wainiqolo, who...

Brave Blossoms eyeing last eight, win against Samoa puts England into Rugby World Cup quarter-finals

Japan boosted their quarter-final hopes with a hard-fought 28-22 Pool D victory over Samoa at Stadium de Toulouse, ensuring England are the second team to qualify for the knock-out stages. Pieter Labuschagne went over to give Japan the lead before his fellow flanker Michael Leitch popped up on the wing to add a second, as Samoa’s scrum-half Jonathan Taumateine was...

Brisbane to host 2023 Oceania Rugby Sevens Championship in November 10-12

Oceania Rugby confirms Thursday that the 2023 Oceania Rugby Sevens Championship will be held at Ballymore Stadium in Brisbane, Australia on 10 - 12 November. The Queensland Government through the Department of Tourism, Innovation, and Sport are proud to host the 2023 Oceania Rugby Sevens Championship for the first time at Ballymore Stadium in Brisbane. The Minister for Tourism and Sports...

U.S – Pacific Summit highlights strong partnership :PM Marape

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape says the just-concluded United States-Pacific Leaders’ summit in Washington allowed Pacific Island leaders to discuss with President Joe Biden issues related to prosperity, security and sustainability in the region. “The summit highlighted the strong partnership and cooperation between United States (U.S) and the Pacific Island nations,” he said. “This reaffirmation of robust bonds will...

El Niño declared for Tonga

An El Niño has been officially declared for Tonga this week, by the Tonga Meteorology Department, meaning that the Central and Eastern Pacific Ocean is now warmer than usual, expecting warmer temperatures, less rainfall, and more cyclones. Tonga is forecast to experience warmer temperatures, less rainfall, and more cyclones in the next six months, from October 2023 to May 2024,...

Pacific region should discourage any subsidies that support fishing of stocks declared overfished: Forum DSG Nayasi

Forum Deputy Secretary General, Esala Nayasi says the Pacific region should discourage any subsidies that support fishing of stocks that they have declared overfished, in line with the Forum strong and effective fisheries management system. Nayasi made the remarks in Suva while opening the Pacific workshop on World Trade Organisation (WTO) Fisheries subsidies. “Subsidies to the fishing sector has contributed to...

Solomon Islands joins China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank days after PM snubs Biden invite

Solomon Islands has joined the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) days after its leader snubbed an invitation to meet U.S President Joe Biden at a Pacific summit. Solomon Islands joins the bank alongside the Central American nation of El Salvador, which deepened its relationship with Beijing a few years after switching ties from Taipei. Tanzania, another key Beijing ally and...

Bougainville Council of elder’s representative calls for action to address human rights violations

By Joseph Morokana  A Council of Elders (COE) representative in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB) is calling on relevant authorities to set up commission of inquiry to investigate cases of alleged human rights violations committed by the Papua New Guinea Armed Forces during the Bougainville conflict. Bougainville’s Paramount Chief, Joe Pais said a lot of human rights violations occurred between...

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Fiji PM confirms resignation of Fisheries Minister Ravu, appoints Alitia Bainivalu as successor

Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka confirmed Friday that Kalaveti Ravu has resigned as Minister for Fisheries and Forests. Ravu was charged by the Fiji Independent...

Artivist turns trash into treasure: A fight against plastic pollution

On the vivid coastlines of Suva an unexpected sight often catches the eye: the traces of human activity washed ashore. Amidst this litter, Suzanne Turaganiwai...

Coalition Government settles Fiji’s longest workers dispute with $9.2 million pay-out

Fiji’s longest workers dispute – at the Vatukoula Gold Mine, which has lasted 33 years, is expected to be finally settled, with a promised...