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At UN climate summit big polluters’ absence speaks volumes

By Matteo Civillini As United Nations chief Antonio Guterres convened a climate summit for the first time in four years, he was keen to avoid platforming greenwash. Instead of a long procession of leaders, the stage would be given only to those with “credible policies and plans” to keep the goals of the Paris Agreement alive. On Wednesday, the absence of most...

PNG and Australia’s defence cooperation is a ‘jewel’ of their relationship – but forming a treaty hasn’t been quite so simple

Amid the fanfare of an Australian prime ministerial visit to Papua New Guinea in January, defence was key on the agenda, with both parties looking to again formalise their already substantive ties. The two nations agreed to conclude negotiations on a Bilateral Security Treaty by May and expected it to be signed in June. With that date months behind them, they...

U.S will establish diplomatic ties with the Cook Islands and Niue as Biden hosts Pacific leaders

President Joe Biden is set to establish diplomatic relations Monday with two South Pacific nations, the Cook Islands and Niue, as his administration aims to show to Pacific Island leaders that it is committed to increasing American presence in the region. The announcement comes as Biden prepares to welcome leaders to Washington for a two-day U.S-Pacific Island Forum Summit expected...

Pacific Island leaders sound alarm on climate crisis, call for urgent action

Leaders from Pacific island nations collectively rang the alarm on the relentless march of climate change, marked by rising sea levels, extreme weather events and coastal erosion, wreaking havoc and threatening the very existence of their homelands. Addressing the UN General Assembly last Thursday, Presidents of Kiribati, Timor-Leste, Micronesia and Nauru called for accelerated climate action, urging major emitters worldwide...

Wallabies’ Rugby World Cup all but over after 40-6 loss to Wales in Lyon pool match

The Wallabies are set to make their earliest exit in Rugby World Cup history after a humiliating 40-6 loss to Wales in Lyon. Never before have the Wallabies been bundled out of the tournament in the pool stage, but their campaign in France is all but over after the defeat to the Welsh. The two-time world champions have a slim hope...

UN renewal, Security Council reform, global financing redesign needed – Nauru President told UNGA

The Pacific nation of Nauru has called on the United Nations General Assembly(UNGA) for an urgent need to reform the global decision making at the United Nations. “The United Nations must be fit-for-purpose, nimble on the ground and meets the global challenges we face today. “We need to renew the UN Multilateral System, reform the Security Council and redesign the international...

‘We are at crisis point’: Vanuatu calls on U.S, UK to do more to support climate vulnerable nations

There were notable absences from the speaker line up at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Climate Ambition Summit in New York, including the U.S, UK and Australia. The summit is hosted by the UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres and this year he decided only climate ambitious nations got to take the mic. “Now must be the time for ambition and action....

Tuvalu will always be a state, even if underwater, says PM Natano

Tuvalu could be one of the first nations to sink beneath the sea as a result of climate change, but that doesn't mean its statehood is up for discussion, the tiny Pacific archipelago's prime minister said Thursday. Speaking on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, Kausea Natano said there had been “unnecessary” conversations in academic and diplomatic circles centered...

Climate adaptation costs exceed Paris pledge- Kiribati President Maamau told UN General Assembly

Kiribati President Taneti Maamau has told the United Nations General Assembly, the island nation is experiencing intensifying severe drought and coastal inundation affecting homes, public infrastructure, food and water security due to climate change. “The projected cost for adaptation has significantly increased therefore developed countries are urged to put more funds beyond the global pledge agreed to in Paris. This would...

Climate action, not more promises- FSM President Simina told 78th UN General Assembly

Micronesian President Wesley Simina has told the United General Assembly in New York, his island nation want climate action, not promises. “Countries like mine, and people like mine are the frontlines of climate change. But we don’t need more promises. What we need is action. For promises to turn into policy and for policy to turn into proactive steps towards...

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