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PM Sogavare’s absence will not affect SoIomon Islands ability to receive support from U.S, says PIF SG

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare’s absence from the Second Pacific Islands Forum-U. S Summit will not in any way affect Solomon Islands ability to receive assistance from the United States. Sogavare’s decision not to attend the Summit and sent his Foreign Minister Jeremiah Manele had caused a stir in the region. “We are disappointed that PM Sogavare of the Solomons...

2050 strategy to be endorsed in the Cook Islands, Tonga to be the next host for PIF Leaders Meeting

The implementation plan for the 2050 strategy is being finalised and will be endorsed by Forum leaders during their convening in the Cook Islands next month. Pacific Islands Forum Director of Governance and Engagement, Sione Tekiteki said the 52nd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting will have a detailed agenda, and the leaders will consider several issues and recommend the best...

Australia, PNG work to ink delayed defence pact

Australia is looking to wrap up negotiations with Papua New Guinea over a new defence security pact with Defence Minister Richard Marles set to host counterpart Win Bakri Daki. The delayed defence pact was initially slated to be signed by the middle of the year before a separate agreement between the U.S and PNG sparked internal divisions in the Pacific...

Prominent PNG lawyer Paraka jailed for 20 years for misusing K162 million state money

Prominent Papua New Guinea lawyer, Paul Paraka has been sentenced to 20 years in prison. He was eventually sentenced Thursday by the National Court following a protracted court battle that had lasted for almost a decade. He was found to have misappropriated K162 million (US$44 million) belonging to the people of Papua New Guinea. Paul Paraka, 54 of Western Highlands province, an...

Former Fiji PM Bainimarama, Qiliho judgement next Thursday

Resident Magistrate Seini Puamau will deliver her judgement in the trial of former Fiji Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama and suspended Commissioner of Police Sitiveni Qiliho next Thursday. Magistrate Puamau has ordered both the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Defence Counsel to file their written submission by 4pm this Friday. On 28 September, Magistrate Puamau had ordered both...

Partnerships, recovery, and growth to 2050 for regional trade – Pacific trade officials prepare agenda for 2023 Forum Trade Ministerial

Pacific trade officials have completed two days of intensive meetings in Suva in preparation for the Pacific ACP Trade Ministers (PACPTMM) and Forum Trade Ministers Meetings (FTMM) on Thursday, 05 October and Friday, 06 October. Setting regional trade and investment priorities and regional initiatives to 2050, the 2023 PACPTMM and FTMM will centre around the theme 'Our Pacific Way in...

Asia-Pacific’s climate cash conundrum: Why funding remains elusive

Despite years of voicing concerns, vulnerable nations grapple with a maze of red tape and resource hurdles. By Subel Rai Bhandari The global climate adaptation week in South Korea ended not with a bang, but a whimper. September’s Incheon City event was intended to unite Asia-Pacific leaders on climate change but faced several issues, including visa troubles for some speakers. Despite key figures...

Radradra in doubt for Portugal, Flying Fijians qualify for 2027 RWC

The Flying Fijians coaching staff is expected to make minimal changes to their matchday 23 against Portugal in their last Rugby World Cup pool match. Head coach Simon Raiwalui is highly likely to field our top side again for this important clash as our quarterfinal hopes depend on it. Winger Semi Radradra is expected to be rested this week due to...

Fijians playing for more than a result after tragic loss

By Iliesa Tora The Flying Fijians will be playing for more than just a win against Portugal on Monday morning in Toulouse. Players have rallied in support of utility backline player Josua Tuisova, who has opted to stay with the team to chase a quarterfinal spot at the Rugby World Cup despite the death of his eldest son Tito Ratulevu. Tuisova...

Tonga positive as they prepare for Romania

By Iliesa Tora Tonga defence coach Dale MacLeod says the experience of playing against top teams like the Springboks has given the players more knowledge as they continue their preparation for their last pool match against Romania. He said despite the loss the team learned a lot. “There were a lot of positives. We can be really proud of a lot of...

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PNG Opposition raises concern on foreign syndicates

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President Adeang backs Nauru’s switch to China

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‘Precarious’ – Newsmakers dissect state and future of Pacific journalism

If the pen is mightier than the sword, then an army of journalists has assembled in Fiji’s capital to discuss the state and future...