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Dates set for the signing of Samoa Agreement between OACPS and EU: Forum SG

The post-Cotonou deal between the European Union (EU) and the 79-member of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) is set to sign the SAMOA Agreement on 14 - 15 November in Apia. The pact was initialled in April 2021 after several years of negotiations and delays but remains unratified after negotiations concluded between the EU and African,...

Pacific Islands Forum head says yes vote on Indigenous voice would ‘elevate Australia’ on world stage

Australia’s credibility would be boosted on the world stage if the yes vote wins the looming Indigenous voice referendum, a senior Pacific leader says. Henry Puna, the head of the Pacific Islands Forum, said on Wednesday that while he respected the country’s right to make its own democratic decision it would be “wonderful to see Australia vote yes”. The Pacific Islands...

Tuvalu outlaws discrimination on basis of sex, disability in new constitution

The Pacific island country of Tuvalu has prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex and disability – provided it doesn’t conflict with traditional values – under a new constitution that went into effect this week. Rights groups and United Nations agencies have previously expressed concerns about gender inequality and other forms of discrimination in Tuvalu. Amnesty International said on Wednesday...

Forum Trade officials meets in Suva

Trade officials from Pacific Islands Forum member countries met today in Suva, ahead of Friday’s Trade Ministers Meeting. The meeting focuses on regaining lost growth opportunities during the pandemic and strengthening resilience in member economies against future shocks. Forum deputy Secretary General, Esala Nayasi told the Forum Trade Officials Meeting, as a region, they need to work towards stronger coordination, strengthened...

Westpac to maintain Pacific presence, cancels sale of PNG, Fiji banks

Westpac has decided to maintain a presence in the South Pacific after the federal government indicated it wants to see Australian companies maintain a role in the region. The bank told the ASX on Wednesday it will retain ownership of Westpac Bank PNG and Westpac Fiji and increase investment in the subsidiaries. This comes two years after a $420 million...

Fukushima nuclear waste water issue to be a standing agenda item at next PALM meeting: Forum SG

As Japan will begin releasing a second batch of wastewater from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant Thursday, the issue is expected to be a standing agenda item between the Pacific and Japan at the Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM) to be hosted next by the Asian nation. Forum Secretary, General Henry Puna made the statement when asked on the issue...

Vanuatu Opposition leader optimistic about forming new government

The opposition in Vanuatu is looking forward to taking charge of the government this Friday, promising to work for the people. Charlot Salwai, the Leader of the Opposition, revealed his side determination to take charge of Vanuatu’s affairs in press conference, held on Monday this week. Salwai’s statement came in the wake of a Supreme Court ruling that upheld the Speaker’s...

Japan seeks to maintain current Exclusive Economic Zones, calls for new Iinterpretation of UN Convention

The Japanese government has called on the international community to adopt a new interpretation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), in a bid to maintain current exclusive economic zones even if sea levels rise due to global warming. Through its call to maintain existing low-tide lines — shorelines where the sea and land meet during...

Report forecast one tropical cyclone for Samoa

A report on the tropical cyclone outlook for 2023/2024 has forecast Samoa to experience at least one tropical cyclone event between November and April next year. The forecast was issued a fortnight ago on 23 September 2023 as part of a report 2023 to 2024 Southwest Pacific Tropical Cyclone Outlook authored by the Long-Range Tropical Cyclone Outlooks. According to the report,...

Study from Fukushima shows even low doses of radiation may contribute to diabetes

New research presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), in Hamburg this week, suggests that exposure to low doses of radiation may contribute to an increased risk of diabetes. The study by Dr Huan Hu and Dr Toshiteru Ohkubo from the Japanese National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health involved more than...

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Vanuatu launches first documented Foreign Policy

The Government of Vanuatu, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and External Trade (MoFAICET), launched its first documented Foreign Policy Wednesday. Deputy Prime...

Australia to strike new funding deal with PNG to manage transferred asylum seekers

The Albanese government will strike a new funding deal with Papua New Guinea to support asylum seekers after the country threatened to send them...

Forum SG Waqa emphasises unified efforts in regional Ocean Governance and BBNJ Implementation

Forum Secretary General, Baron Waqa Wednesday reiterated the importance of ocean governance at the Regional Ocean Governance and BBNJ Workshop in Suva. “Ocean governance is...