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World Bank President Ajay Banga calls for stronger partnership with Fiji and Pacific

World Bank President Ajay Banga, in a historic visit to Fiji emphasised the need for stronger partnerships with Pacific nations. Banga’s visit, the first by a World Bank President to the Pacific in nearly 50 years, highlights a renewed commitment to tackling the region’s unique challenges. World Bank President Ajay Banga arrived in Fiji Wednesday as part of his tour of...

PNG Opposition file motion of no confidence today, Committee unchanged

The Papua New Guinea Opposition has finally submitted the motion of a vote of no confidence against Prime Minister James Marape today. Opposition leader, Douglas Tomuriesa submitted the motion to Speaker Job Pomat at the Speaker’s office. Papua New Guinea Speaker of Parliament Job Pomat has ruled that Gulf Governor Sir Christopher Haiveta, who recently resigned from the Government, would remain...

Palau’s 2024 presidential election: A close contest

Palau’s presidential election is shaping up to be one of the most distinctive in Palau’s recent history. On 05 November, two prominent political figures—who also happen to be brothers-in-law— will face off for the second time. However, political observers anticipate that the election outcome may remain uncertain for a week, as absentee ballots will decide the closely contested race. The candidates—one...

Pacific Forum Leaders urge targeted assistance to support Smaller Island States priorities

Leaders of the Smaller Island States (SIS) met in Tonga last week on 27 August to discuss priorities for this group within the Pacific Islands Forum. The group consists of the Cook Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia(FSM), Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), and Tuvalu. The SIS grouping, established more than three decades ago in...

Forum Leaders support review of regional architecture

Pacific Islands Forum Leaders have endorsed a major review of the region's governance structure, aiming to align the framework with the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific continent. At the Forum Leaders Meeting in Tonga last week, leaders took significant steps towards redefining the region’s governance by endorsing the Review of the Regional Architecture (RRA) to meet the evolving needs...

Taiwan slams China ‘intervention’ after Pacific bloc alters statement

The Taiwanese Foreign Ministry has accused China of an “arbitrary intervention” after a joint declaration by Pacific leaders was altered to remove mentions of Taiwan. “Taiwan issued the strongest condemnation on China's arbitrary intervention and unreasonable actions that undermine regional peace and stability,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. Self-ruled Taiwan — which Beijing claims as its own territory —...

All CHOGM leaders indicate participation: Samoa PM

The leaders of 56 member countries in the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) have indicated their attendance at October's conference including three monarchs. Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mata’afa gave a rundown on the details and current preparations from the Government for the conference in a press conference on Tuesday. Chairing the CHOGM Taskforce, the Prime Minister fronted the media with...

Tonga leader says police provide ‘freedom from fear’, support democracy

-Tonga's Prime Minister Siaosi Sovaleni underscored the role of police to provide “freedom from fear” in democracies in a speech to Pacific Islands police chiefs on Tuesday, noting the rising global focus on the region by major powers. A top U.S counter-narcotics official will travel on Wednesday to Tonga, where the first U.S- Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police dialogue will...

U.S, Australia deny ‘divvying up’ Pacific policing

The United States insists it is not steamrolling and divvying up Pacific security with Australia but is working with partners to see where it best fits. Pacific nations ticked off a policing co-operation agreement spearheaded by Australia during the Pacific Islands Forum leaders' meeting in Tonga in late August. But it was overshadowed by a hot mic moment when U.S deputy...

Ocean of Peace initiative “timely and relevant: MSG Director General Louma

Fiji’s Ocean of Peace initiative is timely and relevant given the intense geo-political posturing by the big powers for influence leading to increased militarisation of our region, says the Director General of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Secretariat, Leonard Louma. DG Louma made the comments during his opening remarks at the MSG Leader’s Caucus meeting in Nukualofa, while clarifying issues...

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Palau Vice President calls for action on Climate, Oceans, and equality at UNGA

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Fiji’s President, Ratu Wiliame Katonivere, delivered a stinging rebuke to China’s recent ballistic missile test in the Pacific, calling for an end to provocative...

Micronesian President calls for global solidarity at UN General Assembly

President of the Federated States of Micronesia(FSM), Wesley Simina took the global stage at the UN, urging immediate, bold action on climate change, ocean...