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Small states’ climate pleas finally heard but COP 28 ‘cannot fail’

Years of protests by small climate-vulnerable nations have finally put critical reform of the global financial architecture high on the agenda of major international organisations and developed market governments. But the COP28 climate conference in United Arab Emirates in November-December will be the true test of whether the talk leads to action. “I think the anger and the advocacy of some...

Fiji PM Rabuka expresses solidarity with Israel

Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka Friday issued a strong condemnation of the recent attack by Hamas on Israeli towns and settlements near the Gaza Strip and central Israel. The Prime Minister expressed profound concern regarding the indiscriminate firing of thousands of rockets toward Israeli population centres, as well as the use of other munitions with the sole intention of causing...

Fiji minister urges ‘quicker’ plastic pollution treaty

The world must move faster on a plastic pollution treaty that is currently not expected to be finalised before the end of next year, Fiji’s deputy prime minister told an international summit on Thursday. A draft of the treaty on reducing global plastic pollution was unveiled last month and will form the basis for several rounds of negotiations, including next...

Israel flight: 90 seats secured for NZ and Pacific people – ‘The situation is deteriorating’

The government has secured 90 seats on the first flight to assist New Zealand and Pacific people to leave Israel, the Foreign Minister says. The government is partnering with Etihad Airways to secure places on special flights out of the conflict zone. It has also asked New Zealanders who can get seats on commercial flights out of Israel, to leave now. Israel...

President Jokowi holds bilateral meetings with President of FSM and Premier of Niue

Indonesian President Joko Widodo held a bilateral meeting with the President of the Federated States of Micronesia, Wesley Simina followed by a bilateral meeting with the Premier of Niue, DaltonTagelagi at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center on Wednesday. Both bilateral meetings were held on the sidelines of the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum Summit. “As fellow island nations, we...

Neocolonialism in the Pacific: Fukushima radiation and deep sea mining

By Aden Miles Morunga When will the world stop colonising the Pacific? The Pacific Ocean is home to species of cultural and environmental importance. The Fukushima radioactive water discharge and the emergence of deep sea mining have raised new concerns about neocolonialism in this region. Fukushima radioactive water discharge In 2011, a devastating earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, leading to a meltdown at the...

Charges against former Fiji PM Bainimarama and Qiliho thrown out

Former Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama has expressed gratitude for the prayers and support of friends, family and well-wishers following his acquittal in court Thursday. He also extended his thanks to his legal team and Magistrate Seini Puamau, whom he credited with clarifying what he described as the “confusion” caused by the Criminal Investigations Department’s alleged “trumped-up charges.” “We want to thank...

Political interference into functions of PNGDF: Suspended Military chief

Concerns of political interference in the command and control of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force is among the grounds that will be pursued by suspended Chief of Defence, Major General Mark Goina in his appeal against his suspension if the court grants him leave to appeal. Goina seeks leave to review the decision of the National Executive Council (NEC)...

Fiji attends first Archipelagic Island States meeting in Indonesia

The first Archipelagic Island States (AIS) Forum High Level Meeting (HLM) has concluded at the Bali International Convention Centre, in Bali, Indonesia. Fiji's delegation was led by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Co-operatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications Manoa Kamikamica. In his contribution to the meeting, DPM Kamikamica highlighted the enormous challenges Fiji faces as Small Island...

China to deploy first neutrino telescope in western Pacific Ocean

China is to deploy its first neutrino telescope in the western Pacific Ocean, to decipher the origin of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. The relative blueprint was released by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), who led the research, at a press conference on Tuesday. Carrying out the first expedition in the South China Sea in 2021, the team found a favorable site...

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