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Vanuatu PM Kilman lost his MPs ahead of facing no confidence motion today

In the lead-up to today's no-confidence motion, Vanuatu Prime Minister Sato Kilman has experienced a significant loss of support among his Members of Parliament (MPs). Over the past few days, as the motion of no confidence gained momentum, PM Kilman, who also serves as the President of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), has seen his hold on the majority of...

U.S offers no new cash to climate fund for developing world

The United States offered no additional funds to the world's largest climate fund on Thursday, overshadowing fresh support for nations most vulnerable to global warming and infuriating campaigners. The Green Climate Fund (GCF), seen as a key element of the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement, funnels grants and loans for adaptation and mitigation projects, mostly in Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, Latin...

Forum Trade Ministers Meets in Suva

Trade Ministers and officials from Forum member countries gather in Suva today for the Pacific Islands Forum Trade Ministers Meeting. Key priorities for deliberation on the agenda today, include dialogue on the current Regional Trade and Investment Landscape following the effects of Covid-19 and other global events and making connections to the changing global trade and investment landscape. The implementation plan...

Unlocking every dollar for a world in crisis

By Masatsugu Asakawa, President of the Asian Development Bank The world is at a tipping point. The pandemic left a toxic legacy of spiraling poverty, debt distress, and inequality, all amid a worsening cost-of-living crisis. Even more alarming is climate change, a long-term existential threat that is already wrecking lives and costing billions. Recent climate-related disasters are a tragic foretaste of...

U.S budget fight could create Pacific opening for China

A 45-day stopgap measure passed by the United States Congress to avert a government shutdown has left potential funding shortfalls for strategic Pacific island states, which analysts and former officials say makes the U.S allies economically vulnerable and possibly more receptive to Chinese approaches. The Biden administration had hoped to see Congress endorse by 30 September new 20-year funding programmes...

Signing of Samoa Agreement to boost Pacific – EU relations

The signing of the successor to the Cotonou Agreement in Samoa next month is expected to boost diplomatic relations between the Pacific and the European Union, says EU High Representative/Vice-President, Joseph Borrell. He made the remarks at a meeting with leaders of the Pacific Small Island Development States (PSIDS) in New York. “I would like travel to this part of the...

Australia, Papua New Guinea Defence Ministers convene

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles Thursday hosted Defence Minister Win Bakri Daki for the 2023 Australia-Papua New Guinea Defence Ministers' Meeting in Geelong, Victoria. The two ministers reaffirmed the deep and broad defence partnership between Papua New Guinea and Australia, which forms a key part of our Comprehensive Strategic and Economic Partnership. Ministers committed to continuing to support Bilateral Security...

Former PNG PM O’Neill’s files for perjury charge ready

The Police investigation file into the perjury charge against former Papua New Guinea Prime Minister and member for Ialibu Pangia Peter O’Neill has been completed by police. O’Neill was arrested and charged on 13 June 2023, for lying under oath during the inquiry into the 2014 UBS loan and was brought to court, however, police have been working to complete...

Jobs and growth boost to flow from IFC Investment in Fiji’s HFC Bank

Fijian importers and exporters will have greater access to finance under a partnership between the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and HFC Bank that’s expected to boost trade and support economic growth and jobs in Fiji. Under an agreement announced today, IFC, a member of the World Bank Group and the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in...

Big changes to the pack – Samoa name team to play England

Samoa coach Seilala Mapusua has made nine changes to his starting XV from the team that lost 28-22 against Japan, with only Theo McFarland, Fritz Lee, Steven Luatua, Jonathan Taumateine, Tumua Manu and Duncan Paia’aua retaining their places. Jonathan Taumateine will partner Lima Sopoaga in the halves for only the second time after they started alongside each other against Ireland...

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