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Pacific Conference of Churches begins Assembly in Noumea

By Nic Maclellan in Noumea, New Caledonia A fortnight after the Pacific Islands Forum brought political leaders to Rarotonga, Cook Islands, church leaders from across the region are gathering in New Caledonia, to attend the 12th General Assembly of the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC). With the outreach of faith communities to every town and village across the Pacific, next...

Traditional welcome for Pacific Games athletes

In a vibrant display of cultural unity and warm hospitality, the host province of the Sol2023 Pacific Games, Guadalcanal, on behalf of Solomon Islands, formally welcomed the visiting 24 Pacific Island countries on Thursday at Honiara’s Eastend Sports City. The people of Guadalcanal proudly opened their arms to embrace the spirit of sportsmanship and cultural exchange. The Premier of Guadalcanal Province,...

PNG PM Marape meets with U.S Vice President Kamala Harris

U.S Vice President Kamala Harris has met with Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape on the margins of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Meeting in San Francisco, California. The Vice President underscored the U.S commitment to the Pacific Islands region, and the Vice President praised Papua New Guinea’s role as a regional leader and member of APEC. The...

Forum SG Puna welcomes “milestone” Samoa Agreement signing

Leaders across Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) were in Apia this week to seal a historic multilateral development and trade partnership with the European Community known as the Samoa Agreement. Pacific Leaders joined Samoa Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mata'afa, together with the OACPS Secretary General, Georges Chikoti, European Union Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen for the signing on...

Fiji signs historic Samoa Agreement with EU and OACPS

Fiji participated in the signing of the Samoa Agreement, a new framework of partnership between the European Union (EU) and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) that will guide them for the next 20 years. The Samoa Agreement replaces the Cotonou Agreement, which has governed OACPS-EU relations since 2000. The signing ceremony took place in Apia, Samoa Wednesday...

71 ACP nations endorse ‘Samoa Agreement

A total of 71 countries have endorsed and signed the Samoa Agreement as the overarching framework for the European Union (EU) agreement with the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. The historical official signing ceremony took place on Wednesday evening to formulate the new partnership agreement as the new legal framework relations with 79 countries. This includes 47 African, 16 Caribbean...

Samoa Agreement: EU and its member states sign new Partnership Agreement with members of ACP

The EU and its Member States signed Wednesday a new Partnership Agreement with the Members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) that will serve as an overarching legal framework for their relations for the next twenty years. This agreement succeeds the Cotonou Agreement and will be known as the “Samoa Agreement”. The agreement covers subjects such as sustainable...

Pacific welcomes the signing of the new OACPS-EU Partnership Agreement Signing (Samoa Agreement)

Papua New Guinea Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources, Jelta Wong says the opening for signature Wednesday of the OACPS-EU Partnership Agreement, that we all refer to as the "Samoa Agreement" signifies the beginning of a new era in OACPS-EU relations. Wong said it is an honour to speak on behalf of the Pacific region on this very august occasion...

EU hopes to increase Pacific presence

The European Union Commissioner for International Partnerships, and Chief Negotiator Jutta Urpilainen says they are looking at increasing their presence in the Pacific. Urpilainen in response to queries from Samoa Observer newspaper confirmed that they hope to be more involved with developments in the Pacific as well as increasing its presence “physically”. While she was hesitant to speak on behalf of...

Solomon Islands, newest member of High Ambition Coalition to end Plastic Pollution, leaves mark in Nairobi

Solomon Islands might be the newest member of the High Ambition Coalition (HAC) to End Plastic Pollution but this has not stopped the Pacific nation from taking the global stage at the plastic treaty negotiations in Nairobi, Kenya, reiterating the call to end plastic pollution by 2040. The Permanent Secretary of the Solomon Islands’ Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster...

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