New Guardian Class Patrol boat to assist in protecting Fiji’s waters

Fiji’s maritime security capabilities has been further strengthened with the official handover of the RFNS Puamau to Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka at the HMAS...

Pacific nation agreements called ‘great gesture’ for thousands of legal migrants

The U.S House approved a US$565 billion funding measure Wednesday to keep the federal government open. The measure includes U.S. agreements with Pacific island nations,...

Fukushima locals tell of damage as hearing to end ocean discharge demands justice

For Fukushima fisherman Haruo Ono, a lawsuit against the Japanese government and the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) is his last hope for decency...

Fiji takes delivery of Guardian-Class Patrol Boat

Fiji has today taken delivery of its second Guardian-class Patrol Boat, the RFNS Puamau, at a handover ceremony at HMAS Stirling, Western Australia. The Prime...

Former Kiribati President Anote Tong visits Australia to advocate for Fossil Fuel Free Pacific

Former President of Kiribati Anote Tong, arrives in Australia on Saturday this week for a national speaking tour, focus on the critical need to...

Empowering Pacific women and girls in clean energy transition

The Pacific Community (SPC) has unveiled its Pacific Energy and Gender Initiative (PEGI) project aimed at empowering women and girls in the Pacific region...

Indonesia President Jokowi, NZ PM discuss increased trade, Pacific Cooperation

Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has met with his New Zealand counterpart Christopher Luxon in Melbourne, Tuesday in order to strengthen bilateral relations between...

Australian registered child sex offender charged for travelling to PNG

A Queensland man, 53, has been charged for allegedly failing to notify police of his intended travel to Papua New Guinea (PNG), breaching his...

Vanuatu Police, aided by U.S Coast Guard, say Chinese vessels violated fishing laws

Six Chinese fishing boats were found to be violating Vanuatu's fisheries law after being inspected by local police who were on board the first...

‘Not a priority’: U.S’ failure to follow through on funding pledge cause for concern...

Geopolitical experts are warning that the Pacific isn’t a priority for the United States and that time is running out for them to be...

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International concern over Tonga’s debate on death penalty for drug offences

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