Fiji and NZ to collaborate further on issues of common interest


Fiji and New Zealand will continue to collaborate further on issues of common interest.

Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs  Sitiveni Rabuka made these remarks when he met New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mahuta.

Since their last meeting in March this year, Prime Minister Rabuka informed Mahuta that discussions for further collaboration between the two countries have progressed well.

During the meeting, he updated. Mahuta on the recent national events in Fiji, saying they were opportunities to unite the nation to celebrate our history, diverse cultures and traditions.

Discussions also focused on promoting culture and tradition between Fiji and New Zealand.
To achieve this, the Prime Minister said the Minister for iTaukei Affairs will be visiting New Zealand soon to explore opportunities for partnership.

Rabuka said Fiji looks forward to more engagements and collaboration through the Duavata Partnership on issues that will contribute positively to our people.

Speaking on regional issues, the Prime Minister said that as a region, we must continue to collaborate on issues underpinned by the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent to guide our engagements.

He said it is important that we maintain a united position on our common issues, given the geostrategic competition that we are facing in the region.

Fiji also looks forward to continuous collaboration and engagements with New Zealand to strengthen bilateral relations.

Minister Mahuta thanked Rabuka for the opportunity to meet and further discuss areas of cooperation.

Minister Mahuta said New Zealand will continue to support Fiji’s priorities under the Duavata Partnership Agreement.