Forum Secretary General Baron Divavesi Waqa, Thursday emphasised the vital role aviation plays in the region’s future, calling it not just a mode of transport, but a lifeline for island economies.
Speaking to aviation ministers from across the Pacific, Waqa highlighted importance of connectivity in a region facing unprecedented geostrategic competition and the growing threat of climate change.
“You meet at an important time in our region’s history,” Waqa stated, acknowledging the challenges and opportunities Pacific nations face.
“Geostrategic competition and interest in the Pacific continue to grow, as partners tussle for influence in our region. We continue to contend with an intensifying climate emergency that threatens the very livelihood of our Pacific people.”
“And we are faced with a changing international development landscape that requires us to be more innovative in how we work together and, with our partners,” Waqa said in his remarks at the 3rd Regional Aviation Ministers Meeting (RAMM3) at the Forum Secretariat in Suva.
Waqa also highlighted the evolving international landscape, stressing the need for innovation in regional cooperation.
“In this strategic context, and in our region, the aviation industry is not just about transportation.
“Aviation is a lifeline for our island economies – enabling trade, tourism and essential services to move in the region. It is core to connectivity between our countries and with the rest of the world.
“Indeed, it fuels the backbone of many of our island economies through tourism,” he said.
The Secretary-General called for a more integrated approach to development, urging ministers to move beyond siloed perspectives and work together across all sectors.
“For far too long now, we have considered sectors in our region through siloed perspectives – each sector focusing on its own development and its own unique needs.
“However, the changing regional environment demands us to be more synergised and connected in our regional discussions and Talanoa across all our regional ministerial meetings.
“It recognises that if we are to truly realise the potential of working together, our development aspirations must be driven by all sectors, together – whether it be trade, finance, aviation, health and so forth.” he explained.
He pointed to the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent as a roadmap for greater regional cooperation, one that reflects the interconnectedness of all sectors—from trade to health to aviation.
“The 2050 Strategy sets the foundations for us to rethink and reconsider how we can work together better as one region to advance our collective efforts.
“”I am heartened by the fact that the Pacific Regional Aviation Strategy aligns with and informs your sectoral contributions to our regionalism vision,” he said.
Waqa also addressed the importance of the ongoing Review of the Regional Architecture, which aims to better align and strengthen regional systems to support national efforts across the Pacific.
“But as we all recognise, strategies and policies are just ideas and unless we drive and institutionalise its implementation, these remain as they are – just ideas
Waqa expressed his hope for further collaboration on pressing regional issues, especially in enhancing aviation accessibility and affordability for smaller island states.
“In the Pacific, we have always been stronger together.
“We must continue to actively engage on enhancing regional collaboration in the aviation sector to improve affordability and access, particularly for our Smaller Island States.
“Aviation plays a crucial enabling role as a driver for many of our economies and regional priorities, and it is in forum such as this, that you can truly shape the future of this sector,” Waqa told Ministers.
He he reiterated the Forum’s commitment to supporting members and CROP agencies in driving regional discussions and outcomes, with an eye on improving the Pacific’s aviation sector and its future prospects.
The Ministerial meeting is hosted by the Fiji Government and chaired by Viliame Gavoka, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism & Civil Aviation,
RAMM is the high-level political body for aviation matters in the region with the Pacific Aviation Safety Office (PASO) as its coordinating body.