FFA to push for increased support toward Small Islands Developing States at WCPFC21


Forum Fisheries Committee (FFC) Chair Erana Aliklik of Nauru fisheries, reaffirmed FFA’s commitment at the opening of the WCPFC21 Thursday in Suva, to ensure the needs of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are at the forefront of discussions on sustainable fisheries management.

Aliklik highlighted FFA’s priorities before the WCPFC that include:

*Emphasis on recognising and addressing the special requirements of SIDS in all Commission decisions.

* Calls for a minimum annual allocation of USD$300,000 to the Special Requirements Fund to ensure SIDS’ effective participation.

*Advancing plans to manage tuna stocks, particularly South Pacific albacore, bigeye, and yellowfin, while also supporting Australia’s work on southwest Pacific swordfish.

*Commitment to progress harvest strategies for key tuna stocks and enhancing longline fishery management.

*Support for the adoption of electronic monitoring standards to improve oversight of longline fisheries.

*Reiterating the need for climate change to remain a priority in Commission discussions, guided by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea’s Advisory Opinion.

*Push for the adoption of the first-ever WCPFC measure on labour standards for fishing crew.

“Transparent and robust fisheries management relies on effective collaboration, grounded in mutual respect, factual accuracy, and a shared commitment to sustainable outcomes,” said FFC Chair Aliklik.