Tongan veteran journalist Kalafi Moala has been appointed as the new President of the Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) following the conclusion of the 2024 PINA Summit in Niue.

Moala, a respected figure in Pacific journalism, replaces outgoing President Kora Nou, Managing Director of NBC Papua New Guinea after a secreta ballot voting.

Moala was nominated for the position by Fijian Media Association general secretary, Stanley Simpson.

Moala will lead a refreshed board, which includes key media representatives from across the region:

*Vice President: Leilani Reklai (Island Times, Palau)
*Print Representative: Fred Wesley (Fiji Times, Fiji)
*National Association Representative: Neville Choy (PNG)
*TV Representative: Esther Pahivi (Niue)
*Online Representative: Robert Iroga (Solomon Islands)
*Radio Representative: Katalina Tohi (Tonga)

The new leadership team is tasked with steering PINA’s efforts to strengthen journalism across the Pacific, advocate for press freedom, and foster collaboration among media outlets in the region.