As the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting crossed the halfway mark, Forum Secretary-General Baron Waqa delivered a call to action, urging Leaders to stay focused and united in tackling the region’s most pressing challenges.

“I congratulate you all for the important progress we are making, setting a solid platform for our Leaders’ Retreat tomorrow in Vava’u,” Waqa said in his address to the Forum Leaders Plenary in Nuku’alofa Wednesday.

Waqa acknowledged the intensity of the week, marked by numerous speeches and discussions.

“I know that we have heard many speeches this week. We’ve digested a lot of information and learnt from the different conversations”. But he reminded the leaders of the core reasons behind their work.

“It is they who remind us at the end of each day, why we have dedicated our lives to the public service.

“Why we care about the issues impacting the most vulnerable in our societies.

“Why there is no time to waste, in pursuing prosperity for all our people,” said Waqa.

In a powerful reminder of the purpose behind their work, Waqa asked Forum leaders to remember why they do what they do.

“And so, my only request today is that we remind each other once more, why we do what you do. It is this frame of mind that we will need our Leaders to guide our work and continue to lead our vaka towards the future that meets our collective vision and aspirations.

“And with unity in mind, I am pleased that the last two days has set the platform for us to be ready to deliberate on the most critical issues facing our region.

“I look forward to tomorrow with great anticipation,” said SG Waqa.

Tongan Prime Minister and Forum Chair, Hu’akavemeiliku Siaosi Sovaleni urged Leaders to address the pressing issues facing the Pacific with urgency and unity.

Reflecting on the previous days, Sovaleni praised the “robust and engaging discussions,” particularly with UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

He highlighted key areas where the Pacific has secured strong support from the UN, including the push for the Pacific Resilience Facility and the integration of the Multi-Dimensional Vulnerability Index into the international financing system.

“The support we have received from the UN Secretary-General’s office is resolute,” Sovaleni said, emphasising the importance of elevating climate change-related sea level rise as a standing agenda item at the United Nations.

Sovaleni also acknowledged the contributions of the region’s key stakeholders, including the Council of Regional Organisations of the Pacific (CROP) agencies, civil society, and the private sector.

“I also acknowledge the observer organisations and partners who continue to support our priorities under the 2050 Strategy. “Their input has been invaluable in shaping our discussions and priorities,” he said.

As the Forum Leaders prepared to turn their attention to regional priorities, PM Sovaleni highlighted the importance of the discussions ahead.

“This conversation will further inform our Retreat discussions tomorrow.

“I am very pleased that we have been able to set the agenda in a manner that allows us the space and time to have the required political discussions at our Retreat.

He expressed optimism that the Forum would produce a communique that encapsulates the theme of “Transformative Resilient Pasifiki: Build Better Now.”

“Colleague Leaders, I am hopeful that after the next two days we will be able to present a communique to the world that encapsulated the theme that we have set for a: Transformative Resilient Pasifiki: Build Better Now,” said PM Sovaleni.