The Intergenerational Youth Summit will have a Youth dialogue with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, in Tonga on Monday next week.

The Office of the Legislative Assembly of Tonga said today the Youth Summit will be a significant side event to be held on 26 August, alongside the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders (PIFL) Meeting to be convened in Tonga next week from 26-30 August 2024.

The Fale Alea ‘o Tonga (Legislative Assembly) will host the Youth Dialogue from 11:00am to 5:00pm on Monday 26 August at Parliament House, Nuku’alofa.

The Legislative Assembly of Tonga has invited youth representatives from across the Pacific and Tonga to participate in a roundtable dialogue with the UN Secretary-General under the theme: “Empowering Pacific Youth to Create a Transformative and Resilient Pasifiki by Building Better Now”

“This is also an opportunity to have dialogue around the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Development Agenda,” stated the Office of the Legislative Assembly.

Other intergenerational panel discussions, including youth and expert panelist representation will be held before the roundtable dialogue with Guterres.

“All discussions will focus on four important thematic areas, selected from the seven key priorities identified by leaders in the 2050 Blue Pacific Continent Strategy, which are Political Leadership and Regionalism, Resource and Economic Development, Climate Change and Disasters, Technology and Connectivity.”

It’s expected dialogue panellists will be able to exchange thought-provoking ideas and identify potential solutions together.

Allowing a conversation space for these young Tongan and Pacific voices, the UN Secretary-General can ensure their perspectives are integrated into global discussions.

The Legislative Assembly also intends for this event to highlight the work of Pacific and Tongan youth who are making invaluable and meaningful contributions to their various communities.