The rapid construction of 140 prefabricated container houses in and around Nuku’alofa, should be completed by Friday, 16 August 2024, the CEO of Tonga Assets Managers and Associates (TAMA), Tevita Hu’akau said.

The units are expected to house delegations attending the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting hosted by Tonga from 26-30 August 2024.

Tevita Hu’akau said that in a meeting with the Prime Minister, he learned that the project was set to be completed by Friday this week.

However, Hu’akau was not aware of any detailed updates on the progress of the construction and he said that only the Project Manager could provide that information.

Various Government departments are involved in this project to provide accommodation and hospitality for the meeting.

Over the last fortnight, we can see many of the container houses have taken shape at several locations, where workmen are connecting the water and electricity to the sites.

There are about 16 units at Vaha’akolo Road, Kolofo’ou, near the National Retirement Benefits Fund building; another 30 units at Kausela Road in Nuku’alofa, and over 30 units being built at Sopu.

A large group of 60 units have been built in Popua, which after the Forum, were expected to become a hotel or motel to help boost the Tourism sector due to the shortage of accommodation on Tongatapu.

Visitor accommodation in Tonga was heavily impacted by the 2022 HTHH volcanic eruption and tsunamis, when over 20 coastal accommodation places and resorts were destroyed on Tongatapu and its offshore islands.

The Tonga High School Sports Complex, currently under construction, was also expected to be completed in time to host the meeting.

Meanwhile, the Government is expecting at least 1,000 participants for the PFL meeting including the leaders of 18 members from across the Pacific Ocean and delegates from regional organisations,

A leaders’ retreat will be held in Vava’u on the 29 of August, returning to Tongatapu on 30 of August to close the meeting.

The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meet annually to develop collective responses to regional issues and deliver on their vision for a resilient Pacific Region of peace, harmony, security, social inclusion and prosperity, that ensures all Pacific peoples can lead free, healthy and productive lives.

Leaders will convene, engage in discussions and agree on policies that will ultimately benefit the people of the region. This gathering is a unique opportunity for Leaders to address pressing issues and challenges facing the Blue Pacific Continent, and foster collaboration and cooperation in the pursuit of shared goals.