The Pacific Islands Forum Foreign Ministers have made significant strides in advancing key regional initiatives, setting the stage for important Leaders Meeting at the end of this month.

Incumbent Forum Chair and Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown outlined the ministers’ decisions, emphasising the importance of their work on the 2050 Strategy, the Pacific Resilience Facility, and the Pacific Policing Initiative.

“The first item on our agenda was the update on our 2050 strategy.

“Ministers agreed that the executive summary of the 2015 baseline report and the prioritised regional collective actions will be forwarded to the Leaders for their consideration later this month. This is a significant step forward in our long-term vision for the region,” he said

Brown commended the ongoing work on the Forum’s regional architecture, noting that the Foreign Ministers have endorsed the Phase Two report of the review.

“We are making progress, and the ministers have shown strong support for the work done so far. This is still a work in progress, but we’re moving in the right direction.”

Another key outcome from the meeting was the endorsement of Tonga as the host for the Pacific Resilience Facility, a critical fund aimed at strengthening the region’s response to natural disasters.

“The Forum Economic Ministers have recommended Tonga as the home for the Pacific Resilience Facility, and this will now go to the Leaders for final confirmation. This facility is crucial for our collective resilience,” Brown explained.

Highlighting the importance of regional security, Brown also welcomed the update on the Pacific Policing Initiative.

“The Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police have done tremendous work, and we’re forwarding the Pacific Policing Initiative to the Leaders for consideration. However, there is still a need for further consultation at the national level to ensure it meets each country’s needs.”

In a nod to the broader agenda, Brown mentioned a new initiative from Tonga’s Prime Minister to elevate health and education issues for discussion at the Leaders Meeting.

“This is a crucial addition to the agenda, reflecting our shared commitment to the well-being of our people.”

He said the Ministers also welcomed Fiji’s presentation on the concept of the Ocean of Peace and its alignment to the 2050 Strategy and to further discuss and develop a draft declaration for consideration by Leaders at the 54th Pacific Islands Forum in Honiara, Solomon Islands in 2025.

The Foreign Ministers emphasised the importance of continued advocacy and agreed to issue a strong Pacific Islands Forum statement for the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) High Level Plenary Meeting on Sea-level Rise of which will be conveyed to Leaders for their consideration in Tonga.