Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Foreign Ministers will meet in their annual convening today in Suva, Fiji to consider key regional issues that will be discussed by Forum Leaders when they meet in Tonga at the end of the month.

Regional peace and security, progress on the 2050 Strategy, the Review of the Regional Architecture and considerations on the Forum’s partnership mechanism amongst others, will feature prominently on the Foreign Ministers agenda.

The Forum Foreign Ministers meeting will be chaired by the incumbent Forum Chair, Mark Brown, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands. In attendance will be twelve (12) ministerial representatives, three (3) special envoys, and senior official representatives from across the 18 Forum Member countries.

“I am looking forward to productive deliberations with the Foreign Ministers on issues that affect our Blue Pacific. In a time of increasing geostrategic competition, it is essential that we are constantly dialoguing across the Forum membership on our collective priorities and challenges,” said Baron Waqa, PIF Secretary General.

The meeting of Foreign Ministers is preceded by the meeting of the Forum Officials Committee, which met at the Secretariat Headquarters on 06 – 07 August 2024.