-Fiji’s Registrar of Political Parties, Ana Mataiciwa has announced the deregistration of former ruling FijiFirst party on Monday 01 July 2024.

This action was taken under section 12(4) of the Political Parties (Registration, Conduct, Funding & Disclosures) Act, 2013.

“On 30 May 2024, FijiFirst was notified to amend its constitution to include provisions required under Schedule 2 of the Act,” said Mataiciwa in a statement.

“The party was given until 4pm on 28 June 2024, to make the necessary amendments. As the party has not complied, FijiFirst is hereby deregistered, effective immediately.”

Following this deregistration, section 20(1) of the Act prohibits various activities related to the party. These include summoning meetings, attending meetings in any capacity, publishing notices about meetings, inviting support for the party, contributing to party funds, or giving guarantees regarding such funds.

Mataiciwa added, “Any person aggrieved by this decision may appeal to the Electoral Commission of Fiji within 14 days.” If no appeal is lodged within this period, the winding-up process will commence as per section 28(1) of the Act.

The Registrar has informed all 26 FijiFirst Members of Parliament and the Speaker of Parliament about this decision.

Meanwhile, Opposition MP’s will continue to uphold the values of equality and integrity despite the deregistration of FijiFirst.

This has been highlighted by opposition Member of Parliament Jone Usamate.

While speaking to FBC News Usamate said they look forward to the next important event ahead of them which is the 2024/25 national budget debate.

He said that he will continue to carry out his duties and responsibilities as a member of opposition.

“We will continue as members of the opposition and at least I will be carrying out that role to the very best of my ability. I hope however that we can always continue to present ourselves as a strong opposition because government will always need us to keep them on their toes.”

Usamate said the MP’s are now independent and have the will to make their own decisions whether they want to remain independent or join other political parties.