Fiji’s leader of Opposition Inia Seruiratu has confirmed that there has been no genuine attempt by the FijiFirst Party to amend its Constitution, as required by the Registrar of Political Parties Ana Mataiciwa.
Speaking to FijiLive, Seruiratu said: “We have not done anything to amend the Party’s Constitution because the question is ‘Who has the authority to amend the constitution when all the executives and founding members have resigned.”

“We are definitely waiting to see how this plays out tomorrow (Friday).”

When questioned on what the next steps would be if the Party is de-registered, Seruiratu said he cannot reveal much at this stage.

“We have already made our plans, but we will make the decision when the situation arises,” Seruiratu said.

Seruiratu said in case the FijiFirst Party gets de-registered today, they will leave behind a legacy that will remain unmatched by successive Governments in the future.

He said the challenge will then be on the Government to match the record set by FijiFirst.

Seruiratu said de-registration is the least of their worries for now as the focus is on keeping the FijiFirst Caucus strong and united as one.

“The focus is the budget announcement and more so the delivery of services of the Coalition Government to the people of Fiji.”

“FijiFirst has created its legacy. We are thankful to the former Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama… he has contributed to infrastructure development. Even with the growing of Fiji’s economy – With the FijiFirst Government, we were able to grow the economy per GDP from $5.5 billion (US$2.75 million) to $11 billion (US$5.5 billion).”

Seruiratu also highlighted the infrastructure development during the FijiFirst Government, welfare assistance to the vulnerable, the development of Fiji’s Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, and investor confidence.

He added that this is the legacy that the FijiFirst Government has created.

Earlier this month, the Registrar of Political Parties Ana Mataiciwa maintained that a notice was issued to the Party in May, and gave the party until 4pm 28 June to amend its Constitution or face de-registration.