The fight against climate change is no longer a scientific issue but also a political one, as the mitigation and adaptation needs of the Pacific Island countries will not go away anytime soon.
This has been highlighted by Director of Programmes and Initiatives at the Pacific Islands Forum, Zarak Khan, considering the continued funding support from other countries.
Khan said though big nations are pledging funds towards the Pacific Resilient Facility, they should also remember their responsibility towards the climate impacts faced by the blue Pacific continent.
“They recognise that the blue Pacific continent is a very powerful continent on its own; we have a powerful voice at the UN, at the COP process as well, that is coming and actually talking to us, and the resources they are giving us, as you mentioned earlier, in no way absorb their responsibility, but it’s a starting point to try and recognise that they are part of the problem of climate change at the moment in terms of its impact, and they are trying to be part of the solutions, which I think should be recognised.”
Khan said political leaders are committed to the Pacific climate change process, recognising that finance itself will not solve the problems.
He said the politicians are trying to rectify some of the urgent development needs faced by vulnerable nations.
Forum Secretary General, Henry Puna said that bigger countries will need to be reminded of their obligations.
“We need to keep reminding them that what they are giving us is just a fraction of helping to reduce the impact of carbon emissions from the pollution they have caused, but in no way absorbing their obligations and responsibilities, which is to cut back on emissions,” Puna said at the media briefing last Friday.
The main focus of the PIF is the establishment of the Pacific Resilient Facility.