The Cook Islands Government as current Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and host of the 52nd PIF Leaders Meeting (PIFLM52), is pleased to promote the Pacific Partnerships for Prosperity (PPfP) Pavilion to be held from 07 – 09 November 2023 at the Punanga Nui Market in Rarotonga.

In keeping with the theme for PIFLM52 of “Our Voices, Our Choices, Our Pacific Way: Promote, Partner, Prosper,” the Pavilion will offer a platform to showcase Pacific ingenuity, economic resilience, and creative enterprise.

Intended participants are Cook Islands vendors and agencies alongside regional and international partners for a trade, investment, and cultural festival that is hoped will promote key Pacific initiatives and foster partnerships that offer transformative potential for Pacific communities.

It is intended the Pavilion feature side events, non-commercial exhibition booths for local and international guests, as well as trade, market, and food stalls for Cook Islands based stakeholders. The Pavilion will showcase the best of Cook Islands culture and give visibility to regional priorities, helping to promote the PPfPs which are aligned with the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent.

The PPfPs comprise current and new regional collective actions aimed at attracting new funding, investment, and partnerships that offer transformative benefits for Pacific communities. The PPfPs propose regional collective actions that will provide impactful early wins and effectively channel Forum development partners’ efforts towards regional priorities as determined by Forum members.

Further detailed information on the PPfPs will be uploaded to before the end of this week.

The Pavilion programme, which will run in parallel with the official programme of Leaders Meetings, is being coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (MFAI) in partnership with the Business Trade and Investment Board (BTIB) and relevant domestic and regional agencies.

“The Pacific Partnerships for Prosperity is inclusive of regional collective actions that have emerged during the development of the 2050 Strategy Implementation Plan over the last year,” said Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Tepaeru Herrmann.

“The nine initiatives proposed by the Cook Islands for the PPfPs are an outcome of consultation with all eighteen Forum members over a number of months, as well as CROP agencies and Forum development partners. The Pavilion is the physical embodiment of these nine initiatives which we hope will focus Forum members, regional organisations and development partners to mobilise the necessary resources and commitment to deliver early impactful wins for Pacific communities in the year ahead.”

Local vendors who are interested in participating at the Pavilion are invited to register their interest by contacting the Business Trade and Investment Board on phone number 24296.

All other domestic, regional, and international agencies and organisations interested in participating in the Pavilion are invited to apply online from Friday, 6 October 2023, at or direct their interest and enquiries to Tatryanna Utanga on email